Totally possible anon. Im just thirsty for justice as is the tree of liberty right now. Watching the current lawfare has given me a “no deals” kind of attitude. Why should we give deals? So the next up and coming commie can think they can break the law for a plea deal? Nah set an example for generations to come. Give no quarter to treasonous criminals.
You’re right I must admit. The meeting with the goons from msnbc he said was cordial and he did extend the olive branch. Maybe I need to step back and pray about these things. I know as a follower of Christ I shouldn’t harbor such hate. Thank you Tinkanon you’re the type of people I come here to engage with.
You spelled “hanged by the neck until dead” wrong
Treason Season
Gonna use that this year, Merry Treason Season
Perhaps he made the right choice for a lesser sentence?
Totally possible anon. Im just thirsty for justice as is the tree of liberty right now. Watching the current lawfare has given me a “no deals” kind of attitude. Why should we give deals? So the next up and coming commie can think they can break the law for a plea deal? Nah set an example for generations to come. Give no quarter to treasonous criminals.
I am as well. I have seen some posts where Trump is toning it down a bit.
You’re right I must admit. The meeting with the goons from msnbc he said was cordial and he did extend the olive branch. Maybe I need to step back and pray about these things. I know as a follower of Christ I shouldn’t harbor such hate. Thank you Tinkanon you’re the type of people I come here to engage with.
Nah, just a short drop, quick stop. We need to end this leftist infestation madness! Pronto!