The enemies from within. Disgusting pieces of filth.
Comments (7)
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The agenda is obvious. Same thing they did in Hawaii. Slow walk disaster assistance, drive away residents, profit. How are they going to snatch up everyone's land for pennies on the dollar if those people are able to still live there?
All civil servants are parasites. They need to be reminded that they are employees of the citizens, not the rulers of the citizens.
Another pencil dick with a clipboard on a power trip.
Maybe this will redpill more people into understanding:
Insurance companies control everything
UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) was heavily influenced by insurance companies
You need permission from the machine just to have basic shelter
You are not free
You live on a tax farm, from cradle to grave
*Note the UCC logo on EVERY inspection sticker on a job ...look for it
They won't pass inspection does not apply to emergency housing. SHEESH.
Looks like they need some new county leadership.
Make Prison Great Again. MPGA! ⚖️
Obviously their current living conditions (no homes to live in) will pass inspection just fine.