Their reserve should be forfeit, and be applied to what ever they spent to buy Demonrat Congressmen as a refund to the pro-life taxpayer, and what ever cost
of the judges who were bought to look away from the health and other code violations they should justly have incurred as fines, then returned to the victims and their families in various states:
The Congressmen should also have to payback the funds given to them, once again, this should go directly to the pro-life people, or to those who are (or were) persecuted for investigating in to the criminal aspect of PP.
If they survive after that, any of heath code violations that they incur should subject them to immediate closure, due to the number that have already been overlooked.
Thank you, CasuallyObservant!
So, reasonable deduction from the above:
Their reserve should be forfeit, and be applied to what ever they spent to buy Demonrat Congressmen as a refund to the pro-life taxpayer, and what ever cost of the judges who were bought to look away from the health and other code violations they should justly have incurred as fines, then returned to the victims and their families in various states:
The Congressmen should also have to payback the funds given to them, once again, this should go directly to the pro-life people, or to those who are (or were) persecuted for investigating in to the criminal aspect of PP.
If they survive after that, any of heath code violations that they incur should subject them to immediate closure, due to the number that have already been overlooked.
Makes sense.