why is joe rogan talkin about dragons
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
just general curiosity?
does he change his X profile description often?
They were talking about the possibility of dinosaurs and humans having 'overlapped', given a strange carving of a stegosaurus-like creature on a paleolithic site.
He talks about everything.
Just fyi: 2024 is year of the dragon (Chinese) and will end on Jan 28, 2025. Probably not related.
Did a search on Q with the word dragon - interesting. Have no idea what it means, just interesting.
I figured it was just because the stupid witch coven known as " The View " brought it up as a way to try to humiliate him.
It's not a Black Swan event.... It's a fucking Dragon! Our Dragon.
I don't know the answers to your questions, but I'm reminded that Kanye said he admired Trump because they both had "dragon energy"...
Elon's SPACEEX rocket logo???
IDK, but every Dragon has a lair.
I was wondering about that also.. dragons.. to me it's either lochness monster, mythical chinese dragon, irish dragon with elves and fairies? or some satanic symbol ..no idea.. maybe computer coding in the Matrix world?
The TV show "The View" has been in the news a lot recently!