The attempts to get you to buy gold are off the charts! EVERY "conservative" TV and radio station has a different gold company running the ads, with the hosts claiming "X is the only company I trust". It seems like whenever there is a huge push for something like this, it is all part of a behind-the-scenes plan to rip off the average joe. My feeling is that if the SHTF and the economy collapses, what good will $100,000 in some gold company stock/fund do you? Is anyone else going to buy your $5,000 /oz gold? My theory is that this huge gold push is to drive the price of gold up to a point where the big boys DO sell out, make a killing, and leave everyone else scrambling to get out before it drops below what they bought in for. Please post your thoughts on this. Thank you.
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Yeah prepping channels used to say "You can't eat gold" but now many are saying to buy gold to preserve your "wealth."
Pfft... that IS dumb.
Everybody knows you eat BTC...not gold for crying out loud 🤪
Buttered Tasty Corn?