I'm glad you posted this because I came here to do same and you did it better than I could have.
Here in UK the Russian RT News is supposed to be banned but I,er, asked my friend and there is nothing about this which would be a huge headline if it were real.
I think it brings in to doubt the veracity of the Shadow of Ezra account, which i admittedly do not have much experience, but people just taking as gospel because some guy on the internet wrote it and it really fits nice and snuggly into something you'd LIKE to be true.... no thanks.
Far too low a threshold for belief and discernment.
I'm glad you posted this because I came here to do same and you did it better than I could have.
Here in UK the Russian RT News is supposed to be banned but I,er, asked my friend and there is nothing about this which would be a huge headline if it were real.
I think it brings in to doubt the veracity of the Shadow of Ezra account, which i admittedly do not have much experience, but people just taking as gospel because some guy on the internet wrote it and it really fits nice and snuggly into something you'd LIKE to be true.... no thanks.
Far too low a threshold for belief and discernment.