Taylor Swift? Oh, no Purkiss, the Swifties will be chasing you down the street looking for a pound of your flesh. Yet, they are too stupid to even think that she is a devil spawn. Isn't it amazing how successful a no-named individual suddenly skyrockets to the top of the music charts and then you find out, through their own actions, that they must have sold their soul to the devil to gain such success? Kati Perry and Taylor Swift present themselves as nice gals, yet they seem to have the same streak of evil running through their camps. Such a shame.
My wife is a Swifty. She’s 37 years old and worships every breath and utterance TS puts out there. It’s profoundly disturbing to me. And there is NO reasoning with her about it. My deepest prayer is that TS is possibly an actor and changes her messaging because she owns my wife’s mind.
Advice from a very old hippy - tell your wife you too love TS. Proceed to explain how talented, beautiful, and sexy you think TS is. After a while, she will become jealous & hopefully dump her. LOL
Brilliant. Yeah if he acts like he's got the hots for TS and compares his wife to her outloud " hey babe could you make your hair look like Taylor's?" LOL LOL LOL
Taylor Swift? Oh, no Purkiss, the Swifties will be chasing you down the street looking for a pound of your flesh. Yet, they are too stupid to even think that she is a devil spawn. Isn't it amazing how successful a no-named individual suddenly skyrockets to the top of the music charts and then you find out, through their own actions, that they must have sold their soul to the devil to gain such success? Kati Perry and Taylor Swift present themselves as nice gals, yet they seem to have the same streak of evil running through their camps. Such a shame.
My wife is a Swifty. She’s 37 years old and worships every breath and utterance TS puts out there. It’s profoundly disturbing to me. And there is NO reasoning with her about it. My deepest prayer is that TS is possibly an actor and changes her messaging because she owns my wife’s mind.
Advice from a very old hippy - tell your wife you too love TS. Proceed to explain how talented, beautiful, and sexy you think TS is. After a while, she will become jealous & hopefully dump her. LOL
Ha! A little reverse fackaroo! 😂
Brilliant. Yeah if he acts like he's got the hots for TS and compares his wife to her outloud " hey babe could you make your hair look like Taylor's?" LOL LOL LOL