What the Talmud says about Jesus.
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Read the Talmud.
Read the Quran.
Know the teaching of the enemy of Christianity. The truth is the light. Evil dies in the light. You know you're exposing them when Islamafobic and antisemitism is all they can throw in your direction.
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When the Hebrews were became the chosen people beginning with Abraham, they were chosen to be the instrument of sharing the Messiah (Christ in Greek) with the rest of the world. They were to be a nation of priests. Start with Genesis 12. Have they followed their mission?
The Talmud seems to be a counter narrative to discredit Jesus's righteous existence! They messed up by following the powers that be, that would never accept the true God! They did wrong and have tried to hide their multi millenial mistake by discrediting, questioning and promoting other narratives! The reality is that that the Jews in collusion with the Romans killed Jesus! Period! Them being God's Chosen is all BS! Probably put on the Bible at a later date!
Its a collection of essays by rabbis disagreeing with each other on one level, its not a holy book at all. But on a deeper level its a horror, Martin Luther read it to see what it said and was so shocked that he wrote a whole book about how the Jews were monsters.
There is a larger context of his general frustration in trying to convert Jews to protestantism in that period. He started off as sympathetic only because he believed that if the Jews were to know the gospel, many would convert. He misinterpreted some passages like Jesus was the son of a whore, with the term mamzer, but it has a more nuanced meaning of someone born with a jewish father and non-jewish mother.
God is Jewish and Mary was a goy?
No it just means Mary was a goy. Luther said Jews "do not stop blaspheming our Lord Christ, calling the Virgin Mary a whore, Christ, a bastard". Mamzer has it's roots in Jewish law, which in general is against integration with other cultures where we don't consider someone Jewish if the mother isn't Jewish - it's the opposite if the Mother is Jewish and the Father isn't. This stems from the resistance to Hellenization earlier from the Greeks that led to the Maccabean revolt. It was the lack of integration/conversion that was concerning for Luther.
Not what it says.
You ate not telling the truth Golden Cross guy.
If you read the link, it doesn't say Jesus is punished in boiling excrement, it says Yeshu speaks of punishment with boiling excrement. The rest is interpretation. This passage has been misquoted here over 20 times and quoted correctly maybe twice, which is why I wrote the link.
Besides, it's just a bad joke, not a tenet for diehards. Christians getting upset about it are behaving just as stupidly as rich Jews behaved when Jesus made a joke about a rich Jew going to hell. Don't act like stupid rich Jews.
Upvote for unnecessary downvote. You provided good information.
I should add, the Talmud isn't a "Bible" in any sense, Judeo or Christian. In this passage it's more like Origen, a manuscript the faithful would rather were forgotten about. Origen once speculated that people confirmed in heaven for millennia might still actually go to hell afterward for awhile! But nobody takes him seriously. This is all with respect to Texe and Steven, though recognizing when they overstate things.
Jesus wasn't Joking one bit. It is utter ignorance to make such a statement neither were the jew Rabbi in their hatred for Jesus. That was their desire.. They said that and many other vile things in their Talmud series of books Stop defending the the INDEFENSIBLE That is stupidity on display.
Jesus used more punchlines per capita than any other rabbi of that century.
The one anon rabbi who wrote the dead Yeshu joke, and the couple of rabbis who decided it worthy of compilation, are not proven to be "in hatred for Jesus" any more than depicting Muhammad as a bomb proves being in hatred for him. They all knew what political cartoons were back then, like the (Roman, pre-Gemara) cartoon of Jesus on the cross as a donkey. Simple, easily understood cultural exaggeration.
To prove the vileness of the Talmud, it hurts your cause to quote these things as if black marks when they're not. Quote the incantations to demons and the rejection of the voice from heaven, and punch the real satanic enemy in the jaw, instead of lining up at the enemy's command to pinata a paper tiger.
Jesus was speaking truth. Christians are the funniest people on this planet Jesus's humor leads to eternal life. The Son of God finds most religious folk funny. The Talmud is straight hate towards Jesus. It is the filthiest tome ever written. You are woefully deceived if you think it is just a book of jokes. You are frightened that people are seeing the evil and filthy hearts that would compose such evil things. Talmud is the Encyclopedia of Jesus hating. It is foolishness to defend things you know nothing about. Talmud is satanic doctrine codified. Get right...
Of course the Talmud is not a book of jokes! But, like the Bible, it contains jokes that are obvious by their form such as (present case) "Two Gentiles and a Jew show up at a seance ...." It contains thousands of dense pages of all kinds of literature and should not be judged by a couple sentences.
Everything the Talmud says that is clearly about Jesus of Nazareth is relatively accurate (e.g. he died at Passover). However, the Talmud does have a lot of hatred for a man called Yeshu the Student, who lived in the 2nd century BC, and there is evidence that "Yeshu" became a stock character that later incorporated aspects of Jesus of Nazareth, and Yeshua ben Pappos, and others. Every historic passage about "Yeshu" is anachronistic with respect to Jesus. Therefore a joke passage about "Yeshu" is intended as a composite character and not as a specific person.
The encyclopedia of Jesus-hating is "Jews for Judaism" and other antimissionary orgs. They know they can't rile up Jesus-hating from the Talmud so they make up their own reasons.
If you want to prove the Talmud contains a couple satanic doctrines, I already told you, prove it from the incantations to devils and from the rejection of the voice from heaven. You don't know what's in the Talmud at large because you've only read a few sentences of it out of context.
Now listen carefully: The reason you've been shown only these sentences out of context is that when you go spouting them about half-cocked it benefits the Jews! It makes them look good to have people sincerely misquoting their text so that their opponents look like fools! If you want to trash the Talmud, do it right like those Talmud-haters who show up here occasionally, who say they hate the Talmud so much they're getting copies and reading it in context and having their families vet it just so that they understand it as it was meant! When you do this you'll be able to criticize it rightly, such as along the lines I indicate. Until then, you're not criticizing it at all, you're punching a tar baby that Br'er Fox laid out for you to get trapped in!
Stop with the Psyop . We have already read as much as we could stand to read of that filth. You seem to be bathing in it Glad I don't have to jump thru hoops to defend Jesus's truth. leave that mess alone..The Word of God brings Salvation to Mankind. Demons are already marked for destruction . Is that what you want?