Trump to Immediately Unwind Joe Biden’s Unconstitutional Student Loan Forgiveness Plan
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It can be done today and I have seen kids who work hard and sacrifice now for a better life later and never take out a loan.
No bud, it can't be done that way any longer. For what you paid for your 2 BAs, 2MAs and an ED.D, you might get 1 Bachelors if you're lucky and that's with going to community college. The education system is so fucked that no one can afford it any longer.
Agreed...very hard to do this today Berlin. Times have changed
He can't handle someone with a differing opinion, so he thumbs-down those who don't agree with him. Don't mind him.
Thanks Math appears to be the case. Still stand by that comment in a respectful way. Just not possible with today's cost of living, barriers of entry etc. Suppose I'll just have to eat the down vote
I have former students who are doing it.
No, you absolutely do not. Not unless they're living with mommy and daddy, and not paying bills. Because 3 credit hours alone is over $1300, that's $1300 per class... That doesn't include books, technology or lab fees.
It’s funny how all of you are criticizing me so much even though I twice put in comments that I know kids who are doing it, and NONE OF YOU asked me how they are doing it. I’m through debating people who still choose to live in the dark.
Again, glad to hear that. Doesn’t change anything I said about the entire system being predatory on young kids who don’t know what they’re signing up for
That’s the time parents need to be involved.
They’re told the same thing. I’m not saying we don’t have control in some sense but the fact remains that we are conditioned to go to college in fear of not making it in life only to be enslaved to debt in just another form.
There’s been a lot of posts and comments here on GAW that college is not necessary except for a few professions. Most endorse trade schools. Our purpose here is to get people to think for themselves.
Who would downvote a comment about kids today working hard to get a degree that they pay for?
Because OP is trying to say because he was able to pay it that means anyone should be able to pay it when while that SHOULD be the case, it is not.