Kind of funny really.....the vote counters get pardons, can no longer plead the 5th, have to tell all, the truth overturns the 2020 election, Trump is the rightful president, fraud vitiates everything, the pardons are no longer valid because Trump is declared the 2020 election winner and Biden's pardons are no longer valid. Everyone goes to jail. :)
Why pardon anyone that has not been convicted of a crime. This would essentially be admitting that something was criminal in the 2020 election and not the most secure and fair election in history as has been espoused by MSM. Which again points out that MSM lied.
Kind of funny really.....the vote counters get pardons, can no longer plead the 5th, have to tell all, the truth overturns the 2020 election, Trump is the rightful president, fraud vitiates everything, the pardons are no longer valid because Trump is declared the 2020 election winner and Biden's pardons are no longer valid. Everyone goes to jail. :)
What nonsense!
Oh this has to wake up normies!
Why pardon anyone that has not been convicted of a crime. This would essentially be admitting that something was criminal in the 2020 election and not the most secure and fair election in history as has been espoused by MSM. Which again points out that MSM lied.
I know this had to be a joke, but I wouldn’t be surprised , he gave an award to these idiots after one actually confessed to stealing it in 2020
Yes the USB dual
If this come true there will be some serious squealing from the 'left outs' of blanket immunities. Rats will scatter