34 ON DECEMBER 3rd 2024 RUSSELL JAY GOULD just COMPLETELY WITHDREW the Title 4 Sections 1,2 & 3 US Flag from the United Nations. All about timing (twitter.com) posted 2 months ago by lovecymru 2 months ago by lovecymru +34 / -0 13 comments share 13 comments share save hide report block hide replies
OK, this is pretty obscure stuff. Can you explain it in 25 words or less?
I second this. I know less after hyphen watching hyphen the clip
kekking on your comment--pure "Gould"!!
Think capture the flag. Our flag was bankrupt came out and was claimed by these guys.
The best I got
Elon (parody) making making fun of the moron SovCidiots seems to me.
Flag faggin is back on the menu boys.
I have and it still seems fairly obscure
What the hyphen hell was that?
What the hyphen phuck hyphen is he talking hyphen about?!
I'm clueless...
Nah, you are spot on Anon. This guy is cock full of ultra-hyphenated-mental- masturbation . This topic is a genuine waste of time and energy. I dug in on this years ago and could find NOTHING to substantiate his claims.
i've seen him long time ago making contentions/claims, kinda reminds me of the lady in canada that claimed she was president/prime minister.