Sad but he was a valiant warrior against the devil's cabal. I would bet he is safe in God's hands now
Everything he said is spot on except: when he said that most that took covid 19 vaccines will be dead by 2025. 2025 is 24 days away & I doubt that it will be most. This again, proves, for me, that the white hats intervened.
It would be awesome if after Trump is sworn in, they come out with a detailed explanation of how they prevented mass casualties by swapping out saline for the "vaccines", to the maximum extent possible.
But if there had been no swap out, would the rise in all cause mortality have been 100%, 200%, or more? That is the question we will hopefully know the answer to soon.
Sad but he was a valiant warrior against the devil's cabal. I would bet he is safe in God's hands now
Everything he said is spot on except: when he said that most that took covid 19 vaccines will be dead by 2025. 2025 is 24 days away & I doubt that it will be most. This again, proves, for me, that the white hats intervened.
It would be awesome if after Trump is sworn in, they come out with a detailed explanation of how they prevented mass casualties by swapping out saline for the "vaccines", to the maximum extent possible.
They didn't swap out saline for the vaccines. Saline doesn't create 40% rise in all cause mortality.
But if there had been no swap out, would the rise in all cause mortality have been 100%, 200%, or more? That is the question we will hopefully know the answer to soon.
So, you're saying just a portion of the total could have been swapped out?