Responsible gun owners have a duty to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. If you are forced to surrender your guns against your will make sure they are useless. Just in case they get lost on their way to be destroyed. For safety.
A dab of JB weld in the chamber should do the trick. Once the bolt closes, it ain't ever shooting again.
EDIT: To all the folks saying "Muh 1776!"... Only a small percentage of Americans went to war with the redcoats. A lot of people comply, for many reasons. This is for them, retailers especially, they can at least guarantee these guns don't go to Ukraine, Syria, ISIS, Gangbangers, etc.
I’ve told my wife the day the government goes door to door for our guns is the day the red line is crossed and there is no other option but to resist using any and every means available. Whatever horrors that day could bring would pale compared to what an unarmed America would look like a few months later.
Some will always just comply. This post is for them. Retailers especially.
When we finalize Canadian statehood they can enjoy some 2A freedom. 😝
We had 2A freedom before Trudeau got in. And yes you could get hand guns and AR15s too despite what people were telling you. Most Canadians didnt even know that because most Canadians were not interested in getting guns. The only difference between Canada and US is in Canada you have to take a gun course and pass a back ground check.
Yeah I know you Americans go on and on and on and on about how there should be no checks. But if you look at the crime in Canada before Trudeau you would have seen it was a really really safe country. Mass shootings were rare you would hardly see 1 in every 10 years. So background checks worked. In Canada a mentally unstable person would not be able to buy a gun and that is the way it should be.
Since Trudeau came in and started letting all the middle eastern people in thats when the violence in Canada went way way up. You see homeless camps all over Canada now and we have never seen that before. Thats how much Trudeau has ruined this country.
The main reason I am an Absolutist on the 2nd Amendment, "The RIGHT to bear arms," is simple.
Once you start saying things like, we just need to do background checks, we just need you to have proof of training, you must show that you secure your guns safely, etc. Is because a nation will end up just like Australia and Canada.
Gun Confiscation, disarming the masses, centralized government control.
The 1A, the right to say whatever the fuck we want, and the 2A, the right to back it up, is how a nation stays free from government tyranny.
Our Founding Father's knew this and this is precisely why the 1A and 2A exist. No other reason. To STOP Government Tyranny.