Greg is an account that seems to ‘know things’ and seems to tweet things that seem too coincidental. Some have theorized it is an alt from Elon or some other player.
Yeah, that's what i thought when i saw this account before. he was involved with trump and it weirded me out. i don't know much about greg, but it's like he's got 1000's of verified accounts all called Greg, and there's definitely a few weird things about Greg.
If that's a phone number in his username, it's a Baltimore number. Seems like a phone number w the country code doesn't it? I like how it ends in 420 tho :)
Greg is an account that seems to ‘know things’ and seems to tweet things that seem too coincidental. Some have theorized it is an alt from Elon or some other player.
Yeah, that's what i thought when i saw this account before. he was involved with trump and it weirded me out. i don't know much about greg, but it's like he's got 1000's of verified accounts all called Greg, and there's definitely a few weird things about Greg.
Including his face. Kek
I think he's involved with Ryan Cohen / GME too. In a shitpost way of course.
Ryan Cohen has replied to this Greg account more than anyone else.
Honestly never thought Greg was anything but a shit post acct lol. I don't pick up ANY in the know vibes. At all
Scrolling his timeline on Twitter, there isn’t much. It’s his replies that get picked up….
You noticed it too, huh?
Grab the popcorn!
Trump tagged Greg on a Nov 6 tweet... during the election. Same day as Ryan Cohen replied to Greg.
Theres something going on with this @greg account.
If that's a phone number in his username, it's a Baltimore number. Seems like a phone number w the country code doesn't it? I like how it ends in 420 tho :)
Could be a message to those on team 66 that are squeezed in a 17 situation. As you suggest, it ends with a 420 so maybe its a hopeful message?
Check it!! This is from Greg's feed - about the blue Tesla truck.