As If There Weren't Enough Reasons To Hate Hospitals... Hospitals Gave Patients Meds During Childbirth, Then Reported Them For Positive Drug Tests
🚔 Crime & Medical Tyrants 💸
If those drugs are so damaging that the mothers can get their newborns taken away, then put all the doctors in jail for being the illicit/damaging drug dealer, and for threatening the health of both mother and child.
Why have doctors not immediately been arrested when it was clear they were the source? I get that they probably prey on those without the financial backing to push back legally.. but it takes only one proper defense attorney to shut the hospital down.
Because they are false gods in white and we need them (or at least most people believe that).
In 2008 when the banking & realestate sector stole all that money (I'm summarizing that heavily), the notion was out there that $trillions of dollars in crime renders all banks too criminal to exist. No individual or specific bank is needed, just the banking system concept itself. And with that concept, any individual or town or business could start a bank with no prior customer accounts, no insane leverage, no investment/financial arm but purely retail banking.. and it would be the most stable bank in the world immediately.
In the same vein, what value are terrorist/murderer doctors? They dont serve a medical purpose, and their crimes ought render them deceased. Even before the clotshots, no-one needs criminal murderous doctors, or regulators that incentivize and reward murders, glorified hitmen and contract killers in labcoats and suits that larp as academics or regulators.
I'm surprised that what might be the first sign of a growing pushback was a medical insurer exec, rather than a doctor, regulator or pharma exec.
I stay away from the hospitals and doctors as much as I could. I went to the doctor maybe once every blue moon just for a blood panel to make sure the bottom line. They don't even know me. LOL
I used to work in the hospitals since high school. I decided not to work in those environment.
Did you know that you can now order your own blood tests without having to go through a doctor?
No. I did not but I wouldn't. Have a hell of a time just finding veins to draw even with the professionals.
I understand, my mom has the same problem. Just wanted to let you know in case you ever needed it.
Thanks. I appreciate you!
License to practice medicine = License to kill.
The system requires new born babies not the drug dealing doctors that provide them.
My guess is that the hospitals and/or doctors were involved in adoption or trafficking. I worked for 43 years on a postpartum/newborn division and mothers were screened for drug testing for: 1) no or less than 3 prenatal visits, 2) history of drug abuse, 3) erratic or violent behavior. Then we carefully reviewed what was given via epidurals, in labor and after delivery. Then, if indicated by the toxicology report, they were referred to a social worker for careful screening. Believe it or not, sometimes the “significant other or friend” actually had slipped something in to their beverage, rare but occasionally. They were then referred, if indicated, to DCFS for follow up.
^^^^ This
Very interesting article, but they lost me at "birthing people".
What madness. Abort: the life of the baby means nothing. Give birth: we're taking the baby away for its own good.
Villanueva and Salinas....clearly hositals hate Latinxs people. /s
Quit reading at "birthing patients"
Sounds like another way to kidnap children. Dear Lord, Deliver Us from evil!
Isnt this a 4th amendment violation?
I knew early on in my pregnancy that I wasn’t going to utilize the epidural routine during delivery (I was at a birthing center so I couldn’t anyway). I’ve heard too many horrors from those who have lasting effects. I was more intimidated by that than the actual discomfort of labor. The meds can also cross over to baby, exposing them to the medication.