Ok this is the exact same document I was reading yesterday 😅 can you point me to the specific lines which "created a corporate body government for municipality purposes and enabled the 13th -15th amendment and the creation of the illegal Federal reserve system as well as the legal name birth certificate fraud pushed on all human beings"?
All I saw was that it combined Georgetown (Jesuit-central, yucky!) and Washington together under a local government and then proceeded to outline how that government was to be run. I didn't finish reading the whole 11 pages though.
Ok this is the exact same document I was reading yesterday 😅 can you point me to the specific lines which "created a corporate body government for municipality purposes and enabled the 13th -15th amendment and the creation of the illegal Federal reserve system as well as the legal name birth certificate fraud pushed on all human beings"?
All I saw was that it combined Georgetown (Jesuit-central, yucky!) and Washington together under a local government and then proceeded to outline how that government was to be run. I didn't finish reading the whole 11 pages though.
Phoenician law
Per son
Birth berth
Pass port
Holy see