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It's called genetics.
Actually a Gendersocial biqueerius, bigot!
American corporate fertilizer is cancer.
It's the soil not the seed.
We are entering the deflation period before the hypeeinflation kicks in, just like Austrian economics have said.
Ron Paul is right.
Federal charges for the state swamp then.
Bondi doomers can get fucked!
Dont forget the dildo they put in the backend.
Classic Democrats.
He would free market the shit out of the US, no taxes on anything and then the citizens of the country would outcompete everyone else.
And tarrifs are taxes.
Found the retard.
Have you even looked at what libertarian principles are? Not talking about antifa(gs), but Austrian ancap economics based on praxeology.
Dont need to cut out cancer even. Just starve it out with keto and low carb diets to kill off all parasites.
Gonna need something not censured. Fucking dumb shit censorung the point of the video. This is 2025 level retardation.
Corrupt judges does not get fired by the AG, smartass. They get procecuted by the military.
She needs to get off carbs and take ivermectin
Praying for this!
Xrp is the opposite of crypto. A premined corporate token that don't even have their first 30k blocks.
Please read the Bitcoin whitepaper and check out how BCH works in practice.
Sleepers have been activated. How much more?
Is it the jabs?
No way that number is a yearly cost. Especially given the fact that it is a government expense.
Energy cost will dive and inflation numbers will join it.
"Thanks Daddy SCOTUS, for hearing my appeal to authority."
They also don't want it because it is horsepaste.
video not loading... anyone got a different source?
I would never have made it if it was not for all of you.
Beef and eggs; no pork.
I despise AJ, can I just get the clip instead of listening to his rants?
It's called genetics.