They are thinking they can brow-beat people by repeating their messages. They don't even stop to think that voters do NOT LIKE what they are saying! So they will turn off more voters the more they follow this plan~! HA!
They don't comprehend that one of the defining characteristics of fascism is trying to force people to think and behave a certain way rather than trying to convince them peacefully. It's also failing on a lot of the older democrats, my uncle was complaining so much about illegals and woke shit at Thanksgiving that my dad thinks that he secretly voted for Trump (if he even bothered to vote at all.)
Exactly. Shadow-banning, deleting accounts, unfriending anyone who slightly disagrees, and calling them all kinds of horrible names and even threatening violence.
The really CAN'T explain their message, because it is confused gobbledy-gook, so they HAVE to force it on people as their brains remain in a bubble.
Let them remain delusional. They simply cannot bring themselves to look deeply into their message and their philosophy and admit they were wrong, and to admit that the American people have moved on, beyond their lack of vision, their lack individual freedom, and their disinterest in making America great again.
These scruffy "dissidents" can forever mutter amongst themselves, planning and plotting a delusional society that will never exist, deeply entrenched in the Marxist ideology of the 19th Century. Let them fade away into political irrelevancy, for all I care, and go the way of the Luddites and the Jim Jones cult.
Some things never change, like libtards claiming that FOX (whom they don't understand most of us left many years ago) dominates the MSM despite the majority of the news channels being blatantly left. They keep insisting that they're the real majority and yet somehow the underdog at the same time.
After what conservatives have been through -- not allowed to speak on campus, attacked by rioters, etc., they believe they don't get a fair shake through the dem-talking-point media??
The problem is they do not have a coherent platform, much less ideas that appeal to real citizens.
After what conservatives have been through -- not allowed to speak on campus, attacked by rioters,
They deny that ever happened, even when on video. I still occasionally run across tards trying to claim that we overhyped the BLM riots and that it was just repeated showing of videos of one riot and most of the property damage across the country never happened. These are usually gated community suburban demtards who never set foot in their beloved blue cities. The other kind of tards are those who claim the abuse was justified because we're the Nazis.
No not republicans. MAGA owns the biggest digital battlefield.
but it is not a vast propaganda machine like they are thinking of
Truth machine baby
Meme factory, where people learn stuff on accident:)
And it is us. We Are The Plan.
And forget not, Trump brilliantly labeled the MSM as fake news and people started seeing the Media as they are, Liars.
If that was all Trump ever accomplished, it changed the entire trajectory of the country for the better.
It took balls of steel to come out swinging like that and never, and I do mean never, let up.
When he said that is when I thought I could trust him. Although I voted for him.
We are fighting against propaganda... they are fighting for propaganda. They are fighting the WRONG war.
They are thinking they can brow-beat people by repeating their messages. They don't even stop to think that voters do NOT LIKE what they are saying! So they will turn off more voters the more they follow this plan~! HA!
Well, that and they’ve been caught in countless lies.
They don't comprehend that one of the defining characteristics of fascism is trying to force people to think and behave a certain way rather than trying to convince them peacefully. It's also failing on a lot of the older democrats, my uncle was complaining so much about illegals and woke shit at Thanksgiving that my dad thinks that he secretly voted for Trump (if he even bothered to vote at all.)
Exactly. Shadow-banning, deleting accounts, unfriending anyone who slightly disagrees, and calling them all kinds of horrible names and even threatening violence.
The really CAN'T explain their message, because it is confused gobbledy-gook, so they HAVE to force it on people as their brains remain in a bubble.
Shhh! Their shaming plan is working. ;)
Let them remain delusional. They simply cannot bring themselves to look deeply into their message and their philosophy and admit they were wrong, and to admit that the American people have moved on, beyond their lack of vision, their lack individual freedom, and their disinterest in making America great again.
These scruffy "dissidents" can forever mutter amongst themselves, planning and plotting a delusional society that will never exist, deeply entrenched in the Marxist ideology of the 19th Century. Let them fade away into political irrelevancy, for all I care, and go the way of the Luddites and the Jim Jones cult.
Dang, well done you long winded sob
Thank you! Heheh.....
They are certainly in denial.
Some things never change, like libtards claiming that FOX (whom they don't understand most of us left many years ago) dominates the MSM despite the majority of the news channels being blatantly left. They keep insisting that they're the real majority and yet somehow the underdog at the same time.
After what conservatives have been through -- not allowed to speak on campus, attacked by rioters, etc., they believe they don't get a fair shake through the dem-talking-point media??
The problem is they do not have a coherent platform, much less ideas that appeal to real citizens.
They deny that ever happened, even when on video. I still occasionally run across tards trying to claim that we overhyped the BLM riots and that it was just repeated showing of videos of one riot and most of the property damage across the country never happened. These are usually gated community suburban demtards who never set foot in their beloved blue cities. The other kind of tards are those who claim the abuse was justified because we're the Nazis.
Democrats lost because they and their voters want everything for free, funded by the rest of us, and open sex with children.
They think though that it is not enough people heard that message!
Instead, enough people heard that message and said NO!
YES and if they create more ways to drill those obnoxious messages into our heads, people will start throwing up!