We're not giving [them] more power, [they]'re at the point now where [they]'re taking power from us, and we've be n at that point since 1871.
As for human caused climate change, in a way, [they]'re right. But it's not The People that are to blame. To prove my point, all you have to do is walk outside and look up on any given day and watch dozens of planes spraying chemtrails. Oil spills. Bridge collapses. Damn failures. Purposeful poisoning of our waterways and farm land. Purposeful, forced migrations. Planned Parenthood. You name it, if it has a negative bent toward humanity and our planet, [they] are the cause.
Yes. I definitely think we are being manipulated into giving our self proclaimed "saviors" in gubberment more power into our daily lives.
I musta blanked during the climate change talk, I didn't hear that part. I just naturally block that crap automatically now. Lol
I'm not gonna ask chatgpt anything either.
We're not giving [them] more power, [they]'re at the point now where [they]'re taking power from us, and we've be n at that point since 1871.
As for human caused climate change, in a way, [they]'re right. But it's not The People that are to blame. To prove my point, all you have to do is walk outside and look up on any given day and watch dozens of planes spraying chemtrails. Oil spills. Bridge collapses. Damn failures. Purposeful poisoning of our waterways and farm land. Purposeful, forced migrations. Planned Parenthood. You name it, if it has a negative bent toward humanity and our planet, [they] are the cause.
Yes I agree I didn't say it right... the government is attempting to grab more power. I ain't giving them anything :)
And yes, all the negative consequences from all this are from the assholes that think solar farms and EV's are good.