Try again. Use the 1980 inflation formula. You know, the one that still contains calculations for luxury goods, like gas and coffee.
We've lost 35%+ of purchasing power in the last four years. Hell, even the unions figured it out. Last year UAW went on strike, got +27%, just enough to cover 'official' inflation. Longshoremen went on strike, got 62%. (Seems their union economists were more on the ball than the UAW's.)
Actual inflation's running 9%-11% annually. Prices are through the roof. What hasn't changed? My goddamned wage hasn't. I was supposed to retire this year. If I actually put in my papers, I lose the house.
Fuck Joe Biden.
Fuck the (D)ems.
Fuck the deep state.
Fuck all the politicians, regardless of side.
I only hope now, that I live just long enough, to attend the public hangings.
Try again. Use the 1980 inflation formula. You know, the one that still contains calculations for luxury goods, like gas and coffee.
We've lost 35%+ of purchasing power in the last four years. Hell, even the unions figured it out. Last year UAW went on strike, got +27%, just enough to cover 'official' inflation. Longshoremen went on strike, got 62%. (Seems their union economists were more on the ball than the UAW's.)
uaw '23
longshoremen '24
Actual inflation's running 9%-11% annually. Prices are through the roof. What hasn't changed? My goddamned wage hasn't. I was supposed to retire this year. If I actually put in my papers, I lose the house.
Fuck Joe Biden.
Fuck the (D)ems.
Fuck the deep state.
Fuck all the politicians, regardless of side.
I only hope now, that I live just long enough, to attend the public hangings.
Yep. very rough times ahead.
By gas, do you mean gasoline, or "natural gas" and propane and the like? And how did any of those count as luxury goods?
Either way, yes, fuck Joe Biden, fuck the pedophiles, and fuck their puppetmasters.
My family's at our wits' end, and we still have about five weeks to go.
May justice come swiftly.
Obama’s treasury guy Summers said it’s close to %18%