Ill bet her real job skill is that she married well and then iced out her husband and brow beat him until he found what he was looking for in another woman. Then she cleaned up in the divorce because divorce courts HATE men.
Next week we'll have you draw what "The Compromising Information" looks like, and we will discuss strategies for confronting Compromising Information and developing resilience.
Is the compromising information in the room with us now?
Let me guess. She's divorced, 40, has cats, and watches MSLSD.
One of the key constituents we have in the USA fucking everything up is old single White/Jewish women who read The Atlantic.
These people can fuck off forever.
Let me also guess. She has no for-real job skills and is dependent for income on some bullshit government or corporate job.
There are about to be a WHOLE lot of unemployed people. But also a whole lot of openings, with the illegals gone.
The Chattering Class.
"All hat, no cattle" as a (real) Texan would say. All show, no go. Bullshitter.
Ill bet her real job skill is that she married well and then iced out her husband and brow beat him until he found what he was looking for in another woman. Then she cleaned up in the divorce because divorce courts HATE men.
Someone needs to get a liberal women Tyrone dating app. I know what can cure them.
Show me on this doll where the compromising information touched you.
Next week we'll have you draw what "The Compromising Information" looks like, and we will discuss strategies for confronting Compromising Information and developing resilience.
Also there will be cake.