The doomers refuse to recognize the fundamental changes taking place. J6 will be investigated and prosecuted as will election fraud, covid/vax crimes against humanity, FISAgate, Russia,Russia, Russia et al ad infinitum.
Prediction for O'l lizzy,her sweetheart deal will make hunter's look like a hanging on the square,Disappear from politics and walk like an Egyptian.i have a feeling this will be the COMING NORM not storm.
Beautiful. It's going to be a wonderful year.
The doomers refuse to recognize the fundamental changes taking place. J6 will be investigated and prosecuted as will election fraud, covid/vax crimes against humanity, FISAgate, Russia,Russia, Russia et al ad infinitum.
Prediction for O'l lizzy,her sweetheart deal will make hunter's look like a hanging on the square,Disappear from politics and walk like an Egyptian.i have a feeling this will be the COMING NORM not storm.
Let's hope Fauci is fucked too.
She will get a pardon count on it. But... 2020 will be reviled as a fraud and no pardons will be valid.
I wonder how many "people" they're gonna have to fire at the FBI to clean it up & make it run half-way decent & follow the law......?
Now that Princess Cheney is a private citizen she can start paying legal fees, it should only be a couple million to defend herself.