In other words, let's not fix anything that is broken, when everything is broken. Just keep funding the government and keep kicking the can down the road.
How is a CR different from a budget?
The federal budget is a proposal by the President outlining spending goals and priorities during a given year. Congress debates this funding, and then votes to appropriate funding. However, Congress has only completed this process before the beginning of the fiscal year 3 times in the last 47 years, most recently for FY1997.
The Constitution that resulted, however, contained broad provisions that established that all of Congress would ultimately play a part in the federal budget, including spending and taxes. Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7 contains two clauses: The Appropriations Clause and the Statement and Accounts Clause: “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
In the National Constitution Center’s Interactive Constitution, Kate Stith from the Yale Law School explains why the federal budget is part of the “job description” of Congress: “Like the appropriations requirement, this [Statement and Accounts] requirement states not a power but a legislative duty that has been interpreted to require an annual budget.”
Stith also points to how Justice Joseph Story defined the relationship between the two clauses in his Commentaries on the Constitution. “The power to control and direct the appropriations constitutes a most useful and salutary check upon profusion and extravagance, as well as upon corrupt influence and public speculation,” Story said. “[A]nd to make their responsibility complete and perfect, a regular account of the receipts and expenditures is required to be published, that the people may know, what money is expended, for what purposes, and by what authority.”
Inform yourself and read the entire article. An informed public ends the endless. Of course our infiltrated and subverted school system has insured that we are not informed unless we seek out the information on our own. And the culture wars have insured we have no interest in informing ourselves.
More specifically, a continuing resoluation means, "Let's not pass an actual budget, where we could demand accountability for money spent, but let's just lump everything together and let the prez decide what to do with it, but we will be sure to throw in some pork for us to feed at the trough."
Same bud, same. For better or worse I like this guy more and more.
Now I'm gonna be dumb. What is CR? Commie retards?
Continuing Resolution.
In other words, let's not fix anything that is broken, when everything is broken. Just keep funding the government and keep kicking the can down the road.
How is a CR different from a budget?
The federal budget is a proposal by the President outlining spending goals and priorities during a given year. Congress debates this funding, and then votes to appropriate funding. However, Congress has only completed this process before the beginning of the fiscal year 3 times in the last 47 years, most recently for FY1997.
Heres some more context that shows how far from the original intent these corrupt pieces of crap have strayed:
Inform yourself and read the entire article. An informed public ends the endless. Of course our infiltrated and subverted school system has insured that we are not informed unless we seek out the information on our own. And the culture wars have insured we have no interest in informing ourselves.
Oooooh ok duh Thanks Fren!!!
It's all good! I added additional context for frens who browse the thread. Be sure to check it out.
More specifically, a continuing resoluation means, "Let's not pass an actual budget, where we could demand accountability for money spent, but let's just lump everything together and let the prez decide what to do with it, but we will be sure to throw in some pork for us to feed at the trough."
Last time there was a budget, iphone had not been invented....
Embarrassed to say I don't know what CR is either.
Continue resolution. I think
Thanks Fren. I assumed CR was a person being voted for, but that makes perfect sense.
I added context to this thread. Be sure to check it out fren!
Thanks Fren!
You are welcome!