This should be the biggest story on Earth, but it’s getting minimal coverage.
Russian MIL alleged that the US are developing bioweapons in Ukraine, to include C19.
The CIA/Ukraine just assassinated the guy leading the investigation.
This is also what Hunter’s pardon is about! - Clandestine
🚔 Crimes & The Cabal 💸
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Hmmmm. I wonder.
I don't think there are extradition agreements between Russia and USA. So it seems they can't prosecute Huntie while he is in the USA. It could be a propaganda piece in-absentia, but no follow-through. < That's the surface normie interpretation.
They negotiate prisoner swaps tho, as was disgustingly demonstrated recently - a tranny vs. a gun-runner. So there's that, if he is in prison, which Bai-den Sr. has carefully prevented for crimes from January 2014 to December 2024.
And here's the rub that will interest us all: Black and Veatch started up in Ukraine in 2010.
B&V is biolabs & true origin of CV19 that is part of a wider operation of 46 biolabs. This story is now being re-examined and is linked to the recent assassination of the investigating Russian general. This thing is not over. The documents exist in multiple places, including copies at the UN. (vetoed by USA, for obvio reasons). This crime is Against Humanity. And Hunter is not the only perpetrator.
Also, Hunter Biden was a founding board member of BHR Partners, a Chinese investment company, in 2013. Also outside of the scope of the pardon.
This relates to treason -i.e. cavorting with the enemy.
So Hunter is not out of the woods.
Black & Wretched...
I have a great idea how these terminal turbo cancer patients can help save the world... It's win-win