The Fed is the reason your 401k is up 500 million percent the past 15 years. Let's be clear, ending the FED is like doomsday for all financialized assets. This "economy" needs to tank to get back to reality, can't have it both ways. I'll live in burlap for a while eating cat food if it means we can get rid of the FED, people gonna be bitter clingers with their "portfolios".
I’m sure there’s a plan by the white hats to correct this… most likely tied to Bitcoin. And if it is, Bitcoin is going to truly moon to a million+ dollars.
Been so buckled up for so long, I need to get out of my seat and hit the bathroom. Can I get a bag of peanuts for the family & I to split before "real bumpy" happens??
Oh, the incessant whining that's inbound from folks that just kind of ignored it when their country was voted out from under them in 2020.
End the Fed.
Pretty clear who is tanking the economy and it isn't Trump.
The Fed is the reason your 401k is up 500 million percent the past 15 years. Let's be clear, ending the FED is like doomsday for all financialized assets. This "economy" needs to tank to get back to reality, can't have it both ways. I'll live in burlap for a while eating cat food if it means we can get rid of the FED, people gonna be bitter clingers with their "portfolios".
If it’s fancy feast then I’m all in.
I hear this, I agree with it, but uuuggghhhh, not looking forward to it.
You had me until until cat food🤣🤣
yep, for now I'm still a bitter clinger.
I hate that guy
Darth Powell
Just a correction folks, see you in three days when it’s 1200 ahead.
72 hour rule FTW
All by design.
Trump is insulated.
But the finances of everyday Americans is not.
I’m sure there’s a plan by the white hats to correct this… most likely tied to Bitcoin. And if it is, Bitcoin is going to truly moon to a million+ dollars.
Buckle up. The ride is about to get bumpy.
Been so buckled up for so long, I need to get out of my seat and hit the bathroom. Can I get a bag of peanuts for the family & I to split before "real bumpy" happens??
Oh, the incessant whining that's inbound from folks that just kind of ignored it when their country was voted out from under them in 2020.
Bitcoin will not survive quantum decryption. Team Peter Schiff, crypto to ZERO. Buy Gold and Silver, and puts.
XRP is creeping up. It’s weird that 60 mins chose to do a hit piece in Brad G. 30 days till we rich again.
There's no chance any white hat plan is tied to degenerate gambling otherwise known as "cryptocurrency investments".
I know who's doing it! Hint: the word rhymes with who's.