This is gonna change Jan 21, 2025
No more trading stocks for members of congress or their immediate families until they leave office. They took the $130K/year job, they'd better get used to that amount of pay.
I don't think it's unreasonable for them to be allowed to divest on news like everyone else. The issue isn't the stock trading. It's the law not being enforced for Insider Trading. If the laws were enforced, there is no problem.
Honestly for people who's job literally affects 300 million people when they pass laws and regs, I think they number should be closer to $300-500k annually. Or already done mind of significant party raise because keeping public servants pay low leaves then suseptible to foreign corruption and influence rn.
But, by keeping a tighter hold of the rope around their necks is a good motivator to NOT become a traitor. If you want to hold public office in America, then one of the consequences is that if you become a traitor you will feel the snap of the rope squeeze your neck once the bottom drops out from under you. Remember, these are HUMBLE servants, not rich wanna be oligarcs.
I don’t know how you do it but I think there was someone that did that with the Pelosi portfolio. They just copied every trade. And did quite nicely. I wish I had that idea about 10 years ago!
I have an unpopular opinion, but we need to pay our representatives to well for them to sellout, and term limits are just a cop-out for true and secure elections, because the term limit is to vote them out, especially if we don't like them. Although I do think us going after Crenshaw is a bit much. He's bad but not Liz cheny bad. I think it's time for us to save our ammo on one another until we actually drag the system where it needs to be
They make almost $200k a year in salary, which they will continue to get for life after they leave office, and they have pretty much everything else paid for.
They do not pay for meals, travel, housing or anything else while in DC or in their home state.
Their assests need to be frozen and what they own needs to be auctioned off. Completely ridiculous. 2lbs of chop meat is $10.00 & billions of our $$ went to ukraine.
This is gonna change Jan 21, 2025 No more trading stocks for members of congress or their immediate families until they leave office. They took the $130K/year job, they'd better get used to that amount of pay.
I don't think it's unreasonable for them to be allowed to divest on news like everyone else. The issue isn't the stock trading. It's the law not being enforced for Insider Trading. If the laws were enforced, there is no problem.
Honestly for people who's job literally affects 300 million people when they pass laws and regs, I think they number should be closer to $300-500k annually. Or already done mind of significant party raise because keeping public servants pay low leaves then suseptible to foreign corruption and influence rn.
But, by keeping a tighter hold of the rope around their necks is a good motivator to NOT become a traitor. If you want to hold public office in America, then one of the consequences is that if you become a traitor you will feel the snap of the rope squeeze your neck once the bottom drops out from under you. Remember, these are HUMBLE servants, not rich wanna be oligarcs.
Is there a way to see when and what they're trading and duplicate it?
I don’t know how you do it but I think there was someone that did that with the Pelosi portfolio. They just copied every trade. And did quite nicely. I wish I had that idea about 10 years ago!
I have an unpopular opinion, but we need to pay our representatives to well for them to sellout, and term limits are just a cop-out for true and secure elections, because the term limit is to vote them out, especially if we don't like them. Although I do think us going after Crenshaw is a bit much. He's bad but not Liz cheny bad. I think it's time for us to save our ammo on one another until we actually drag the system where it needs to be
They make almost $200k a year in salary, which they will continue to get for life after they leave office, and they have pretty much everything else paid for.
They do not pay for meals, travel, housing or anything else while in DC or in their home state.
They make plenty.
Their assests need to be frozen and what they own needs to be auctioned off. Completely ridiculous. 2lbs of chop meat is $10.00 & billions of our $$ went to ukraine.
Farmers from Iowa
What does the title say ?
The farmers