Let me be the first to feign surprise. I remember all of that. Everyone knew. I remember hearing about Mena, Whitewater, Vince Foster, and so on. And who can forget Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, WTC attempt #1, the Savings and Loan collapse debacle, or the IBCC international bank of commerce fiasco. And she was the brains of the outfit. What a wonderful president she’d have made.
How about Uranium One deal? How about the Clinton Foundation in Haiti?
Let's go back to Benghazi too.
Before the Benghazi embassy killing bodies were even flown back to the U.S... just one day after, the Clinton Foundation received a sudden request.
A senior Magariaf (new President of Libya) aide, Fathi Nuah, emails Amitabh Desai, the Clinton foundations director of foreign policy.
Magariaf will be in New York for the UN General Assembly and wishes to “meet President Clinton and participate at the Clinton Global Initiative.”
Why was the President of Libya so interested in suddenly meeting with Bill Clinton, high priority, immediately after the Bengazhi embassy killings?
Trump should forever mar the name Clinton in the U.S..
Presidential decree; For the next 4 years, all commodes, urinals and port-a-potties in the U.S. will be known as "Clintons". Language matters.
Jeez... I dunno
Dear Abby,
I kinda thought [NO NAME] would be up for having his grave pissed on for all of eternity...
These are TOUGH decisions...
Conflicted Fren with full bladder
Let me be the first to feign surprise. I remember all of that. Everyone knew. I remember hearing about Mena, Whitewater, Vince Foster, and so on. And who can forget Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, WTC attempt #1, the Savings and Loan collapse debacle, or the IBCC international bank of commerce fiasco. And she was the brains of the outfit. What a wonderful president she’d have made.
We dodged much worse than a bullet there. Thank God, Q & Trump
What brains?
God bless Joe Lange for shining the light on darkness and keeping us all informed about what darkness has been up to...
Good read!
How much for the puppy in the window next to to black Jackal and the blonde warthog?