I would love this to be pursued by Trump's DOJ. Particularly with regard to Fauci, who will inevitably get a Biden pardon.
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If you rob a bank and give the money away, do you as a recipient of that money get to keep it? No, you are guilty of receiving stolen goods. If you are made president via a stolen election, and it is proven, does any edict that you made, any pardon that you gave stand? We will never get the 4 years of this theft back, but why wouldn't we get the benefit of justice?
My only rebuttal destroys itself due to receipts (ie paper trail).
If you unknowingly receive stolen funds in cash for goods or services, you may never be found out & would have no idea you were part of/a recipient of stolen property. It is gone & untraceable if the culprit refuses to talk.
Now if they used credit cards, debit cards, or checks, then those could be traced.
We are in uncharted legal territory & I pray the courts agree with this common logic you laid out.