There was tons of video covering every aspect of the Boston Marathon Psy-Op
at the time. I'm sure most was scrubbed from Youtube but most should be available
on Alternative video platforms.
FBI Agent Hur did not think Joe was component enough to stand trial so no charges were brought in the classified documents case. Now everyone is coming out of the woodwork saying he hasn't been component since day 1. So, if his staff is performing the duties of the president, how in the hell can he still be president and pardon anyone!!! How his presidency even legit, just on this information alone. Never mind that he stole the 2020 election.
Patsies involved in false flags should be pardoned! Those in power used the power of government to seduce many, who thought they were helping the people, to do stuff that seems suspicious later on! The movie 'Shooter" comes to mind! Anyone alive involved in the patsy program should be set up the same way, so they never again use their power to destroy people's lives!
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a PATSY
I tend to agree but can you tell me more
There was tons of video covering every aspect of the Boston Marathon Psy-Op at the time. I'm sure most was scrubbed from Youtube but most should be available on Alternative video platforms.
Thanks , Ive seen a good bit but most was focused on the event rather than the patsies.
Which video is best for focus on Tsarnaev
The thought occurred to me that many of these "terrorists" that may be commuted are potential patsy victims.
I want to know more & have evidence that government agents were not involved in covering up their own crimes by blaming a scapegoat.
Now if the scapegoat was knowlingly involved in the crimes, Pinochet them along with all those involved in the crime.
FBI Agent Hur did not think Joe was component enough to stand trial so no charges were brought in the classified documents case. Now everyone is coming out of the woodwork saying he hasn't been component since day 1. So, if his staff is performing the duties of the president, how in the hell can he still be president and pardon anyone!!! How his presidency even legit, just on this information alone. Never mind that he stole the 2020 election.
Well, we need a precipice of some sort, maybe this is it (if it comes to pass).
Vegetables don't "highly consider" anything.
FJB needs to pass a cognitive test first...
Patsies involved in false flags should be pardoned! Those in power used the power of government to seduce many, who thought they were helping the people, to do stuff that seems suspicious later on! The movie 'Shooter" comes to mind! Anyone alive involved in the patsy program should be set up the same way, so they never again use their power to destroy people's lives!
I read somewhere yesterday that the Supreme Court had finally acknowledged that Trump has been CIC since the crooked 2020 election.
So everything Wicked Joe has done has been overturned.
Why are we worrying about what he is doing?? Someone is pulling our chain.
I agree with your last sentence. Not aware of anything SC related though. That stuff is usually heavily publicized, so, what source are you reading?
Signature verification required. PedoJo can't sign his name.
72 hour rule in effect
With all that’s come out lately, he shouldn’t be allowed to do anything of significance
yES, jOE, Let them all out to prey upon Americans. Good idea.