With all the crap going on, someone who is ostensibly a Christian felt the need to point out that exclusively Christian hypocrisy is very frustrating right now.
Are there plenty of Christian hypocrites? Sure. Some, or most Christians likely are hypocritical to some degree, and some or even most of them may still be considered among the faithful. Every human alive is being driven by their flesh to do wrong, and it’s a constant war to keep that nature in check.
Now let’s talk about the other people. Are they hypocrites? It’s actually conceivable that fewer of them are hypocrites - because many of them may not even proclaim a moral framework..
Is there anything wrong with greed or envy? I mean, get what you can, right? Murder? He may not have died if he wasn’t such a weakling, Theft? It’s kindof crazy that anyone even thinks they own anything. Leaving bastard children all over the countryside? He’s clearly got a way with women, and just felt it necessary to sow his wild oats some.
What is this fight really about, then? Is it that there are a lot of people out there who just want to gratify their flesh, not hear about why that doesn’t work, and deal with any issues that arise from it when they do, in whatever way they see fit, without ever being told that they’ve done wrong?
Hear no evil. Speak no evil. See no evil.
Then, being condemned in their own mind by the knowledge of their sins, they resent the messengers and seek to discredit them in order to discredit the message, rather than accept grace and seek to bring themselves under control.
There is certainly no good motivation with this, the bigger question is if they’re intentionally trying to drive people from salvation, or merely can’t see the truth for not having accepted it.
I’d like to think it’s the latter, but the blindness required in that option is incredible.
I also think you could find a cemetery full of babies and it would be completely normal. Infant death used to be very before modern medicine, and they probably buried all the towns infants in the same cemeteries.
The full truth would break a lot of people. Need to get them onboard with the resolve to see celebrities, politicians, and royal families properly punished for their evil deeds.
There's been way too much selling of justice being cruel and unusual punishment.
How long ago did all these bodies die? I know that during the plague times in England, they would bury people where ever they could. I visited a few different towns when I was TDY there, and we would wander into some of the churches that were several hundred years old. There were people buried under the floors and altar. One of the priests we talked to explained it to us.
If these were recent deaths, and they were handled this way, yeah, throw whoever is responsible under the jail.
An Oldham Council spokesperson noted that the communal site, known historically as the 'pauper's graves' and more recently as the 'local authority burials', was known to the Council.
Regarding the babies: They were buried. They weren’t incinerated. The people in charge didn’t sell their organs for transplants or dissection in anatomy classes—or for satanic rituals. They didn’t harvest adrenochrome or stem cells from them. These babies were buried inside the walls of a church yard—which back in the day was a pretty big deal if they were fetuses or unchristened.
The other children buried there may have been found dead in the streets or died unclaimed in orphanages, foundling homes, or workhouses.
Life—and death—were very different only forty years ago—and the hardships of life and death likely all but unrecognizable to us the further back in time we go. I don’t want to—and I won’t—condemn people of long ago for attempting to do the right thing while also following the customs and mores of the society in which they lived.
If you go back far enough, some of the people who buried these small bodies lived during times when abusing or ignoring children starving in the streets may not have been acceptable, but was tolerated regardless.
What they discovered in the cemetery was sad then and is still sad today. Can we accept that universal grief—and also figure out how to keep ourselves off the moral high ground of presentism?
Why condemn those who lived before us because their behavior and the reasoning that supported it doesn’t match our own?
First it was in Canada. Recently they "found" one such site in Australia and now its UK. I am sure there is an agenda here.
They are trying to tell us that children have been used tragically everywhere.
The DS have been at this for decades to drive us from Christianity, “Christians bad, muslims would never do this”
muslims, they marry children.
Its satanists who do this, not Christians
With all the crap going on, someone who is ostensibly a Christian felt the need to point out that exclusively Christian hypocrisy is very frustrating right now.
Are there plenty of Christian hypocrites? Sure. Some, or most Christians likely are hypocritical to some degree, and some or even most of them may still be considered among the faithful. Every human alive is being driven by their flesh to do wrong, and it’s a constant war to keep that nature in check.
Now let’s talk about the other people. Are they hypocrites? It’s actually conceivable that fewer of them are hypocrites - because many of them may not even proclaim a moral framework..
Is there anything wrong with greed or envy? I mean, get what you can, right? Murder? He may not have died if he wasn’t such a weakling, Theft? It’s kindof crazy that anyone even thinks they own anything. Leaving bastard children all over the countryside? He’s clearly got a way with women, and just felt it necessary to sow his wild oats some.
What is this fight really about, then? Is it that there are a lot of people out there who just want to gratify their flesh, not hear about why that doesn’t work, and deal with any issues that arise from it when they do, in whatever way they see fit, without ever being told that they’ve done wrong?
Hear no evil. Speak no evil. See no evil.
Then, being condemned in their own mind by the knowledge of their sins, they resent the messengers and seek to discredit them in order to discredit the message, rather than accept grace and seek to bring themselves under control.
I don’t believe there is any good motivation with these messengers.
There is certainly no good motivation with this, the bigger question is if they’re intentionally trying to drive people from salvation, or merely can’t see the truth for not having accepted it.
I’d like to think it’s the latter, but the blindness required in that option is incredible.
I also think you could find a cemetery full of babies and it would be completely normal. Infant death used to be very before modern medicine, and they probably buried all the towns infants in the same cemeteries.
Slow roll of the truth. I wonder how much we will all learn by next year this time!
The full truth would break a lot of people. Need to get them onboard with the resolve to see celebrities, politicians, and royal families properly punished for their evil deeds.
There's been way too much selling of justice being cruel and unusual punishment.
Shitload. LOL
This one is here in U.S
How long ago did all these bodies die? I know that during the plague times in England, they would bury people where ever they could. I visited a few different towns when I was TDY there, and we would wander into some of the churches that were several hundred years old. There were people buried under the floors and altar. One of the priests we talked to explained it to us.
If these were recent deaths, and they were handled this way, yeah, throw whoever is responsible under the jail.
I do not have the information yet. Will look.
I agree with you on the historic cemeteries. Those were traditional. This one I have no idea yet.
Regarding the babies: They were buried. They weren’t incinerated. The people in charge didn’t sell their organs for transplants or dissection in anatomy classes—or for satanic rituals. They didn’t harvest adrenochrome or stem cells from them. These babies were buried inside the walls of a church yard—which back in the day was a pretty big deal if they were fetuses or unchristened.
The other children buried there may have been found dead in the streets or died unclaimed in orphanages, foundling homes, or workhouses.
Life—and death—were very different only forty years ago—and the hardships of life and death likely all but unrecognizable to us the further back in time we go. I don’t want to—and I won’t—condemn people of long ago for attempting to do the right thing while also following the customs and mores of the society in which they lived.
If you go back far enough, some of the people who buried these small bodies lived during times when abusing or ignoring children starving in the streets may not have been acceptable, but was tolerated regardless.
What they discovered in the cemetery was sad then and is still sad today. Can we accept that universal grief—and also figure out how to keep ourselves off the moral high ground of presentism?
Why condemn those who lived before us because their behavior and the reasoning that supported it doesn’t match our own?
Or we could start condemning lefttards using presentist arguments!
Have some shifting sand!
Interesting take. I have never thought of it that way but you might be correct.
yeah the one in Canada was fake
That's what I heard also. Is it fake information created by MSM?
Good question! The media ran with the story of course. Who created it??
I like to know that too.
Kash knows where they're. Get Em Kash
Are there royal British family estates located nearby these cemeteries?
I do not know.
Is that near Hampstead?
I do not know.
We still do not know whether they were due to pedos yet so let's reserve the judgement yet.
I won't jump to conclusion but I will bet 1 XRP. LOL