Its 2:00pm Christmas day here in Australia. Just finished a bowl of prawns, and moving onto the lobster later this evening. Its 31c (87) outside as we have Christmas in the summer down here. Tomorrow is going to be 40c (104) and a real scorcher as you guys celebrate Christmas I'll be wearing nothing but underpants. Ho ho ho.
It’s been crazy & so happy to wake up & find GAW can’t even imagine what I would be thinking or doing-if I hadn’t- but always knew something was off- use to try to tell my friend that I felt something off she be like why are you always doom & gloom- I’d say noooo I am trying to tell you something- finally I quit trying but eventually she would end up saying I’m sorry you were right- thing is I never even was close to saying everything I wanted to tell her - now I baby step a little a awakening at a time 🕺🙏😃 Merry Christmas fellow patriots and warriors
Its 2:00pm Christmas day here in Australia. Just finished a bowl of prawns, and moving onto the lobster later this evening. Its 31c (87) outside as we have Christmas in the summer down here. Tomorrow is going to be 40c (104) and a real scorcher as you guys celebrate Christmas I'll be wearing nothing but underpants. Ho ho ho.
8pm Christmas eve, 2 feet of snow outside, wrapping gifts. It had been -20C but it warmed up for Christmas. Today was sunny and +1C, feels tropical!
Merry Christmas!
"I'll be wearing nothing but underpants. Ho ho ho."
Uhhhh... I'm not sure I needed to know that!
But a Merry Christmas to you, friend!
Note to self: perk of moving to Australia not previously considered
Can spend Christmas Day in your boxers - zero risk of frostbite
Nice one friend! Merry Christmas everyone! 🥳
Merry Christmas fren. Don't burn ya bits on the barbie! Enjoy 🐸
Merry Christmas everyone:)
Merry Christmas to all! Great job sacip! ✨♥️
MAGA.....A.........Hmmmm, there's a country song in there somewhere.
It’s been crazy & so happy to wake up & find GAW can’t even imagine what I would be thinking or doing-if I hadn’t- but always knew something was off- use to try to tell my friend that I felt something off she be like why are you always doom & gloom- I’d say noooo I am trying to tell you something- finally I quit trying but eventually she would end up saying I’m sorry you were right- thing is I never even was close to saying everything I wanted to tell her - now I baby step a little a awakening at a time 🕺🙏😃 Merry Christmas fellow patriots and warriors
MAGA Christmas!!
Trump sure makes a great Santa!