No. We need people who care about our values and western civilization. I know some very patriotic Mexican Americans but they are in the minority. The rest want Mexico in America.
They can be a protectorate state that pays us tribute but to be more states? Fuck no.
take over all of South America and then put a new border wall on the other south side of the Panama Canal... then the border wall can be MUCH shorter!!
Add Mexico without the cartels.
No. We need people who care about our values and western civilization. I know some very patriotic Mexican Americans but they are in the minority. The rest want Mexico in America.
They can be a protectorate state that pays us tribute but to be more states? Fuck no.
Interesting tech connected to the phone in front of Trump. Anyone know what it is?
Say no to the NAU
What is wrong with you people! This is an old school redpill, from early internet... damn now I'll have to go find a good article on it
I sure hope that's not where Trump is heading with his teases, Americans won't go for it..
Many people even on here seem to be going for the Canada half of it...
Lucky, lucky Canadians if that happened. Trump please add the UK too!!!
take over all of South America and then put a new border wall on the other south side of the Panama Canal... then the border wall can be MUCH shorter!!