… and was especially carried out in the aftermath of Trump’s stunning and unparalleled election gains among Black and Hispanic voters across America as a means of reversing that dangerous voting trend for the communist-run Democrat Party.
Comments (11)
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Regardless how you feel, you cannot deny the fact there's an agenda to wipe out white people.
"Wake up white people."
Daniel Carver
What you are messing. That same agenda wants to wipe out black Americans as well.
This is why saying that only whites are targeted is what the Cabal wants you to think.
Did you see how many black Americans speaking how illegals are taking over their neighborhoods?
I’m from the Deep South. It’s ALWAYS been blacks against whites. Same old tired story over and over and over…
...that is the thin veneer they disguise the "rich versus poor" with...
Right! They came into our neighborhood to steel our secondhand bikes even though they got new bikes from “toys for tots”…. Still doesn’t make sense.
I've seen this with other ethnic communities. The donated bikes all get sold for cash. Hence, they steal the bikes from your neighborhood.
...thuggishness is a genetic dysfunction...
And it’s an inbred cultural thing…look at the state of much of Africa today.
Rehashing old narratives confirms that most still have no idea of what is about to happen to Earth! We are past that! Expand your thinking! 2025 will be glorious!
Ok keep me posted