Frens, Q has told us time and again that there are no coincidences and to trust the plan.
The Plan does not contain coincidences or surprises to those executing it, only to us on the outside watching the movie. If this is true, then this public fluff-up about H1-B's is not random. It is part of the plan.
Q has also told us that some disinformation is necessary, and that only 20% of what is actually happening is public. I'm willing to put money on the idea that this "disagreement" is not one at all, but a feature designed to mask what is really happening behind the scenes. Q's version of look-here-not-there.
I believe the best response to this is curiosity, not anger or judgment, as some of the more suspicious types among us seem so eager to pass.
Let the thing play out, without the insecurities of being a losing team. We're not.
You are correct, this is part of the plan and its pretty easy to come up with some conjectures.
First - there is really no actual debate even though there is much heartache from the rhetorics. These two statements are both correct and consistent with MAGA:
So all the heartache is being caused by assuming some extreme positions like "Elon wants to keep H1-B as it is and expand it to bring in millions of Indians".
Second - why is this happening now? Very easy. we have seen this happen again and again. Gay marriage. Abortion rights. Every single time everyone gets upset, tempers flare, but it fizzles away because there was nothing to fight really, when you think carefully.
So why do these things happen? These are safe switches the WHs can turn on to cause apparent friction within the MAGA, while being perfectly confident that nothing bad will happen, because it can be turned off as easily as its turned on.
Why? "Appear weak when you are strong". Usually these things mean some crucial moves are being made elsewhere, but they want the enemy to be focused on flaming these apparent "infighting". And as an added goal, it also brings out the real shills in the movement, while also helping patriots slowly refine their own understanding of the problem.
How do you think patriots went from "Pro-life" and "Pro-choice" to state's rights, and abortion ban with exceptions?
This is such a dumb statement.
Proper education since early years is essential for a country to succeed. Living wages are essential for people start families and raise kids, thus a country has enough population to succeed.
So people like this exist. Good to know. Elon was referencing such people in his tweet and I can see why he was so mad.
BTW, you must really hate John Trump for working with an immigrant.
"There is no actual debate" "Heartache is being cause by assuming some extreme positions"
Two incredibly wrong assertions that show either: A) you're not fully following everything that is happening, or B) you are dug into a position with unwillingness to see anything to the contrary.
Do you disagree with the two statements I made?
Yes, because they are categorically false.
1.) There was real debate being had, and if you deny that then you are either being willfully ignorant or aren't paying close enough attention.
2.) "Heartache is being cause by "assuming" some extreme positions is bullshit.