Here is Ursula Von Der Leyen, or as I prefer to call her, Arsehola Fond Ov Lying, recently announcing to the 'Global Citizen Festival 2024' that she pledges to 'vaccinate' 500 million children by 2030.
My friends, a better world also means a healthier world. And vaccination is our best chance for this. Vaccines have saved millions of lives in the past 50 years. But right now, millions of children are still at risk. They need vaccines. We must continue to support vaccination around the world. So today I am pleased to pledge 290 million dollars for Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
Each child should be protected. And more will come. Together with GAVI we have the goal to vaccinate 500 million children by 2030. Europe will do its fair share. You can count on us.
If you can't depopulate down to 500 million, then plan B, create them from the ground up.
Agenda 2030 and the Georgia Guidestones go hand in hand. A first generation of 500 million 'global citizens', to be forevermore controlled and tracked through whatever infernal evil is in their 'vaccines', under all the foretold and openly published 'philanthropic' joys of 15-minute city pod living and bug eating.
See it yet?
If parents won't protect their own children, there is not much the rest of us can do without laws preventing vaxx from being a form of child endangerment that can be legally prevented. It is like destiny that stupid people must not survive nor replace themselves.
Love your name for her. The outright lying is astounding to me. They are proceeding with their plan as though we are still asleep and willing to be controlled by them. It truly is satanic.
It really is, and notice how they have these kinds of things casually fly under the radar. No peep in MSM, they know what the comments sections would look like.
Sadly, some are still willing and eager, usually those who refuse to learn. I know several.
French speaking people nickname her « Pustula von der Liar ».
I already have "MAD MAX EDITION" signage on my good ole let the games begin....YEEEE HAAAW....ok so I'm a tad bit excited...biting at the bit you might say!!
Is she trying to kill the vaccine industry? Because this is how you kill the vaccine industry.
I think she's hinting more at killing 7.5 billion people by any means necessary over however long it takes so long as 500 million of their created generation are left behind for their controllable future purposes to take things forward.
Great analysis, I think you’re spot on. They’ll fail but whatever helps them sleep at night.
I can't stand that woman. I don't say this much, but she's the kind of person I will look up to watch falling into hell on the day of judgement. If she can find salvation at this late stage it would be a miracle.
She won't. 'She' is a literal Demon in (profane) human form.
My question is, why would any parents still listening to them?
They want a pick 'n' mix. They'll take some from each continent.
Oh. I see what you mean. There's always some stupid. LOL
YES! Of course.....bring on the 2030's 'Orphan Trains'... they say. Makes perfect sense. Pity they won't be pulling of their wet dream.
I figured whether one got COVID or the vaxx is irrelevant - those peoples days are numbered and that will bring the population down to a level that will not require modern nitrogen fixed fertilizer, GMO crops and after 8.5 billion have died off the world can enter a "utopian" phase where the 500m remaining can be sustained by a truly sustainable existence. Of course most of them will be slaves but that's a future problem that most of us will never see. How's that for a black pill?
Can't wait for execution.