Is Carter's death going to be used by DTCC to close the stock market? Delay MOASS?
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Will the Q Team give out more envelopes?
I hope they film that shit in 8k technicolor from every important angle and release it if there's envelopes 2.0
Throw in some thermal cameras so we can watch them piss / shit their pants
Recently the DTCC issued a statement about having the ability to close the market for certain things including morning the death of a former POTUS.
This would affect all stocks and securities under the DTCC..... (Technically not the OCC, but the OCC still needs shares to settle from the NSCC which is under the DTCC.)
This could be related to GameStop and MOASS.
So you could really be...tomorrow???
It's always tommorow.
Tendieman en route!
One can only hope. They will however be absolutely closed on Wednesday for New Year's.
I'm expecting some type of fuckery because of this DTCC new rule. Likely this week.
MOASS was tomorrow
DRS your shares !