Watching the Squid Game series and can’t help but think this is based on real things that are probably done by real sicko elites. Anyone know kid real life situations like this?
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What’s it about?
Short version: People with crushing debt are approached by a guy who plays a game with them in the subway and slaps them when they lose. They get a card inviting them to a game where they have a chance to win billions.They are taken to a secret island and given numbers. The games are children's games. The first is red light green light. If you're caught, you get a sniper bullet in the head. IRL? It wouldn't surprise me
You forgot the most important part. This game is a secret show for the elites, almost like a snuf film, but poor people fighting for their lives and sacrificng their lives for money and the elites (dressed up, masked, drinking and feasting while watching, and placing bets) watched them die behind closed doors. Bodies after bodies are incinerated secretly after they lost and were shot to death.
And organ harvesting
Who downvoted you? So weird..
Oh yeah have you watched Season 2? I heard it wasn't as good as S1
Squid Game is a survival drama from South Korea where the central premise is a deadly game competition where the 400+ players (who are all financially destitute and desperate of some sort) all participate in a series of children's games, where the penalty for losing is death, for a chance to go home with tens of millions of dollars (with the pot getting bigger with each killed player).
It is a recent take of the deadly game show fiction genre, since I have seen it done a couple of times (Battle Royale in Japan, Hunger Games in America).
Damn. That’s dark.
It is, and that is the reason why I tend to shy away from that subgenre ever since I had the misfortune of reading a couple of chapters of the Battle Royale manga (which I did not read further out of sheer revulsion).
Yeah it's a recurring theme going all the way back to "The Most Dangerous Game".
Stephen King is also in the club with a books he wrote as Richard Bachman...The Running Man and a haunting thing called the Long Walk.
The "Running Man" movie is another example.