I personally believe that the people wearing masks are not that committed, unless they tell us they wear it 24/7 even while they are sleeping. Anything less and they are fooling themselves.
There are many self-righteous virtue-signallers and/or attention whores as well as many who are too spineless to voice opinions that differ from their cliques/groups/friends/associates.
I thought this was a fairly obvious leap of logic. Imagine, if you will, a ChiCom telling you to enthusiastically give up your freedom and to submit to slavery.
I think she works for CCP.
Not one unvaxxed regrets their decision
I personally believe that the people wearing masks are not that committed, unless they tell us they wear it 24/7 even while they are sleeping. Anything less and they are fooling themselves.
They fool themselves a lot.
There are many self-righteous virtue-signallers and/or attention whores as well as many who are too spineless to voice opinions that differ from their cliques/groups/friends/associates.
Sounds like we need to take her freedoms away...time to clear the country of Chinese spies.
I thought this was a fairly obvious leap of logic. Imagine, if you will, a ChiCom telling you to enthusiastically give up your freedom and to submit to slavery.
MJTrruthUltra on X - Wen's sordid, erroneous and tyrannical history regarding Covid - https://x.com/MJTruthUltra/status/1873493161911501270
Thanks for the multiple options, Unvaxxed.
Hmmm I’d almost Hmm forgotten hmmm about her annoying hmmm fucking voice