The four "judicial exception" categories, to be used in patentability decisions, are (1) abstract ideas, (2) laws of nature, (3) natural phenomena, and (4) natural products. And examiners are specifically asked to determine if a patent application's claims recite something "significantly different" than these.
The first problem with patents is that you have zero protection unless you can afford to sue the person/company that copies your invention. So, if you are an inventor without massive resources, the only way to make money is
to sell the idea (rarely possible without a patent, but I have personally done it for a small amount of money). or
to manufacture and sell the product until someone competes and then drop it like a hot potato and invent something else.
The second problem is that if your invention is deemed to have a military use or if someone in the patent office is bribed, then your patent will be shelved or handed over to someone else.
so in reading a few of the links in these searches, it seems that they are not patents for viruses but patents for detecting said viruses or treating illnesses with these viruses.
looks like from the AIDS patents, that Silver + Oxygen Kill aids.
Method of curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices
The diamagnetic semiconducting molecular crystal tetrasilver tetroxide (Ag4O4) is utilized for destroying the AIDS virus
Funny how, when I post this image, nobody cares at all
Maybe they do not know you cannot patent a naturally occurring thing.
Are they naturally occurring? Actually?
Not if there is a patent on them.
It's not very compelling. Also, when addressing a vaxxed person, you must type v e r y s l o w l y and clearly and explain every word as you do so.
And don't center the text, except for the title. Sentences should each start at the same position on the line. It's easier to read.
Also, for the terminally jabbed, you need a quick summary of the point you are wanting to make, such as:
"All of your plandemics were patented long before release. Think about that."
Prolly just cuz we don’t like you
So, if I am reading this right, those patents are not "naturally occurring" phenomena.
The first problem with patents is that you have zero protection unless you can afford to sue the person/company that copies your invention. So, if you are an inventor without massive resources, the only way to make money is
to sell the idea (rarely possible without a patent, but I have personally done it for a small amount of money). or
to manufacture and sell the product until someone competes and then drop it like a hot potato and invent something else.
The second problem is that if your invention is deemed to have a military use or if someone in the patent office is bribed, then your patent will be shelved or handed over to someone else.
Others can make it for their personal use.
A patent give you the right to sue if it is sold.
anyone able to research these patent numbers, see if they are legit?
Well, yes, because I have a brain the size of a planet, an almost genius level IQ (and I'm modest, too).
Oh, and I can use a search engine. ;-)
brave search patent 5675977 did not come out the same as when I searched it before coming here. strange, right?
brave search patent 8835624
Justia link on the ebola patent
brave search CA2741523A1
brave search 0070031450A1
brave search ATTC VR-84
brave search 7897744
brave search 8506968
brave search 10130701
so in reading a few of the links in these searches, it seems that they are not patents for viruses but patents for detecting said viruses or treating illnesses with these viruses.
Good work! Ten years ago I’d post the meme “OP is a faggot” but I think he posted in good faith so I won’t.
kek. we are trying to not be bullshitted, are we not?
looks like from the AIDS patents, that Silver + Oxygen Kill aids.
Method of curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices Abstract The diamagnetic semiconducting molecular crystal tetrasilver tetroxide (Ag4O4) is utilized for destroying the AIDS virus
Good thing we don't need a patent to use a noose.
I think was all care, but are left speechless.