Just going from experience....I didnt say ALL white chrisitans , Im saying that I see a heavy dose of White Christians that back Israel because of the influence of the Scoffied bible.
So Im trying to understand what other groups/ religions and such ALSO heavily back Israel, ie have their own version of "Christian Zionism"
That makes sense to me. Some Christians let their eschatology determine their position on other issues. I’ve been asked on the street about my eschatological position by someone holding the view from the Scofield Bible. It was as if my end times view was the second thing he needed to check after belief in Jesus.
Many Church going Christians support them because it's been pounded into their skulls every week about those poor, poor Jews...
Logically, it makes no sense whatsoever, especially when you consider:
Zionist Israelis openly spit on Christians
Zionist Israelis openly mock the Christ
Zionist Israelis openly call Christians goyim
Zionist Israelis commit all sorts of violent atrocities towards Christians in the region
Some Christians believe Jews killed Jesus, but still flip a few bucks in the basket (because they're retarded and asleep)
Years ago when I was a Church goer (before I found the Christ), I remember them lobbying hard for and taking up collections after whatever sad story they picked from the catalog to tell parishioners. Aipac probably sends out a newsletter to them...
The DS, the secular nation was set up via the British govt/Rothschilds in 1948. So I see it as a proxy nation. I personally believe it isn't the real biblical Israel and there is a lot more down that rabbit hole, although I know that kind of 'conspiracy theory' isn't tolerated by the mods here. This video lays out basically how it started. I think the role of Dorothy de Rothschild is very interesting. At 17 she became a figurehead for selling the idea of the nation state of Israel to establishment elites. Feels like that has been perpetuated ever since. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsRuB-Qw1b0
That's certainly not the case in practice. See definition: a secular state claims to treat all its citizens equally regardless of religion, and claims to avoid preferential treatment for a citizen based on their religious beliefs, affiliation or lack of either over those with other profiles.
The satanic Greater Israel project has had trillions of your US taxpayers dollars poured into it and millions of people killed because of it. Its ultimate goal is to weaken/break all nations, while strengthening itself, and rule over them via enslavement of all goyims. This is why it blackmails all those in power and brainwashes the masses. Those that stand in its way are removed (eg. JFK, Palestinians, etc).
The Great Awakening aims to undo this evil project.
What do you mean by Israel? The geographic country? The political entity? The "Chosen People" as described in Scripture? The Zionists running the military apparatus / Mossad?
I support the people who live there who oppose the endless war. I don't support genocide. I don't support any one group claiming to have sole rights to the land.
The papacy owns the "state of Israel". It's is a Vatican creation. The eschatological psyops which are responsible for all the "Chrisitan Zionism" you alluded to, also came from the Vatican via their Jesuit Order.
Thank me in 10 or so years...
*downvote all you like papists, you can't get around Rev. 17
Let me make it simple.
God supports Israel.
If you want to learn the truth about Israel, read the Old Testament, then read Revelation.
The history of Israel and the future of Israel are contained therein.
The remnant that God will save comes out of the Israel. Israel has been filled with unbelievers since they came out of Egypt, but God has always had a remnant of His people. Now is no different. Based on the word of God, almost 70% of the population will be destroyed during the tribulation period. God will save a remnant.
Just like the rest of the world, God has His people in it. Most will be destroyed because they do not believe. Romans 10:9-13,”Romans 10:9-13 NKJV
[9] that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. [10] For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. [11] For the Scripture says, "Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame." [12] For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. [13] For "whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved."
Why do you believe this stereotype?
Christian Zionism is not some small fringe conspiracy theory. It's very much a real thing.
I grew up in a military town and have known military families my whole life and their support of Israel as our greatest ally is literally 100%.
A REAL thing based on a FALSE PREMISE.
Cyrus Scofield and Samuel Untermeyer created a monster of ignorance.
Just going from experience....I didnt say ALL white chrisitans , Im saying that I see a heavy dose of White Christians that back Israel because of the influence of the Scoffied bible.
So Im trying to understand what other groups/ religions and such ALSO heavily back Israel, ie have their own version of "Christian Zionism"
That makes sense to me. Some Christians let their eschatology determine their position on other issues. I’ve been asked on the street about my eschatological position by someone holding the view from the Scofield Bible. It was as if my end times view was the second thing he needed to check after belief in Jesus.
There are no others.
Many Church going Christians support them because it's been pounded into their skulls every week about those poor, poor Jews...
Logically, it makes no sense whatsoever, especially when you consider:
Zionist Israelis openly spit on Christians
Zionist Israelis openly mock the Christ
Zionist Israelis openly call Christians goyim
Zionist Israelis commit all sorts of violent atrocities towards Christians in the region
Some Christians believe Jews killed Jesus, but still flip a few bucks in the basket (because they're retarded and asleep)
Years ago when I was a Church goer (before I found the Christ), I remember them lobbying hard for and taking up collections after whatever sad story they picked from the catalog to tell parishioners. Aipac probably sends out a newsletter to them...
The DS, the secular nation was set up via the British govt/Rothschilds in 1948. So I see it as a proxy nation. I personally believe it isn't the real biblical Israel and there is a lot more down that rabbit hole, although I know that kind of 'conspiracy theory' isn't tolerated by the mods here. This video lays out basically how it started. I think the role of Dorothy de Rothschild is very interesting. At 17 she became a figurehead for selling the idea of the nation state of Israel to establishment elites. Feels like that has been perpetuated ever since. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsRuB-Qw1b0
That's certainly not the case in practice. See definition: a secular state claims to treat all its citizens equally regardless of religion, and claims to avoid preferential treatment for a citizen based on their religious beliefs, affiliation or lack of either over those with other profiles.
The satanic Greater Israel project has had trillions of your US taxpayers dollars poured into it and millions of people killed because of it. Its ultimate goal is to weaken/break all nations, while strengthening itself, and rule over them via enslavement of all goyims. This is why it blackmails all those in power and brainwashes the masses. Those that stand in its way are removed (eg. JFK, Palestinians, etc).
The Great Awakening aims to undo this evil project.
What do you mean by Israel? The geographic country? The political entity? The "Chosen People" as described in Scripture? The Zionists running the military apparatus / Mossad?
I support the people who live there who oppose the endless war. I don't support genocide. I don't support any one group claiming to have sole rights to the land.
The papacy owns the "state of Israel". It's is a Vatican creation. The eschatological psyops which are responsible for all the "Chrisitan Zionism" you alluded to, also came from the Vatican via their Jesuit Order.
Thank me in 10 or so years...
*downvote all you like papists, you can't get around Rev. 17
How does the Vatican own Israel when the Rothschilds "bought" it from the British?
More accurate to say the Rothschilds control both the Vatican (through the Jesuits) and Israel.
Yes I guess the phrase "Chritian Zionism" is appropriate for what Im was trying to descibe.
It is time you investigate Ignatius Loyola and the origin of the Jesuits. Another example of infiltration and subversion.
this is an interesting vid that I saw someone else post...watched about half so far
Let me make it simple. God supports Israel. If you want to learn the truth about Israel, read the Old Testament, then read Revelation. The history of Israel and the future of Israel are contained therein.
Israel of the Bible is not Israel the nation though.
That is the problem.
The remnant that God will save comes out of the Israel. Israel has been filled with unbelievers since they came out of Egypt, but God has always had a remnant of His people. Now is no different. Based on the word of God, almost 70% of the population will be destroyed during the tribulation period. God will save a remnant.
Just like the rest of the world, God has His people in it. Most will be destroyed because they do not believe. Romans 10:9-13,”Romans 10:9-13 NKJV [9] that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. [10] For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. [11] For the Scripture says, "Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame." [12] For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. [13] For "whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved."