Soon enough Kash Patel will be removing the remaining corrupt FBI agents. There will no longer be tampering with crime scenes and homes to embellish and make things fit into a stereotypical extremist. Most people are not stupid enough to believe terrorists do not live like most common people, eating, drinking, doing some kind of work during the day, blending into society etc.
We are finally reaching the stage where the illegal border crossers committing acts of terrorism will be arrested and all the rest can GTFO of the U.S. Inherent to the golden age is safety (removal of any and all religious extremist scum laying dormant until the appointed time of attack). The swamp will soon no longer be able to fund these assholes and help them coordinate their MCIs.
They should have had a brown paper bag full of groceries, but overflowing with recognizable items like oranges, carrots with the greens still attached, and an unwrapped French baguette sticking out. Because then we'd know that this guy is just like us, buying the same ridiculous bag of groceries and stuff.
FBI / CIA staging the scene... "What do normal people have on their kitchen counters?"
"IDK....Can openers?"
Soon enough Kash Patel will be removing the remaining corrupt FBI agents. There will no longer be tampering with crime scenes and homes to embellish and make things fit into a stereotypical extremist. Most people are not stupid enough to believe terrorists do not live like most common people, eating, drinking, doing some kind of work during the day, blending into society etc.
We are finally reaching the stage where the illegal border crossers committing acts of terrorism will be arrested and all the rest can GTFO of the U.S. Inherent to the golden age is safety (removal of any and all religious extremist scum laying dormant until the appointed time of attack). The swamp will soon no longer be able to fund these assholes and help them coordinate their MCIs.
They should have had a brown paper bag full of groceries, but overflowing with recognizable items like oranges, carrots with the greens still attached, and an unwrapped French baguette sticking out. Because then we'd know that this guy is just like us, buying the same ridiculous bag of groceries and stuff.
Exactly! Terrorists don’t eat food! This is outrageous!
now why would i buy oranges
LMAO. I had to go back, good eye.