Meh, H1B’s & Muslims are the proxies for those that demand open borders & celebrate low (white) birth rates. I say this as a grateful 1st Gen immigrant American. We shouldn’t remain ignorant of the growing Muslim problem in the west but we should focus on the cause of the problem moreso than the symptom & consequences of the problem.
C’mon white folks, Muslims weren’t the ones that flew 2 planes & collapsed 3 buildings. Lets stayed focused.
We need the public outraged. With that comes change. Live up to that awesome username and recognize the Muslim scourge for what it is. There's no shame in stating that Muslim culture is antithetical to Christianized Western civilization. The biggest proponents of open borders or at least those who were tolerant of it, may have their minds completely changed by these hard to swallow red pills X is blowing up with.
There is an unspoken ailliance with Jews & Muslims; Mohammad’s mother after all was Jewish; making Mohammad Jewish.
The intentional penetration of Muslims into the heart of Christian Europe has been the dream of the International Jews for centuries. In the spring of 711, a Muslim army invaded Iberia led by Tariq ibn Ziyad, defeated the Visigoth King and then marched northward to the Visigoth capital of Toledo. Both Latin and Arabic chroniclers record that the Jews of the city “opened the gates of Toledo” to Tariq, who conquered the city. With more cities to take Tariq left Toledo and entrusted its protection to a garrison of Jewish soldiers, whom had rose up against the Catholic Visigoths and opened the gates.
This is happening on an international level. “multiculturalism“ has been thrusted upon the west in harmony with the “anti-European” & “anti colonialism” propaganda, its all a smokescreen all meant to subvert the west.
The truth is that the Christian West has been under continuous attack by the Judeo-Masonic-Muslim triphecta for centuries & they declared war on Christendom centuries ago, beginning with the French Revolution. This war against Christianity is just never defined in its proper context.
Hmmmm? Tommy Robinson’s documentary came out a round end of July this year. Musk must have needed an action to save his flailing popularity about the h1b debacle. His X co-owners must have acquiesced. Happy for Mr. Robinson’s film getting the attention it deserves.
Keep in mind that Trump’s team sent out a memo to everybody who is going to be part of the administration to not post about anything regarding America or the incoming president Donald Trump. As soon as that memo was sent out, Elon focused on something different. Something important. As much as people don’t like him, he he still has millions of followers, and this information that he’s highlighting right now is important. I’m grateful for that.
Yes, because the deep state was using it as a psychological operation to split the base. I have to give them a five because they did a fantastic job. People are still crying about Elon here. 😭🧂
I was very skeptical of him at first, then warmed up to him because of SpaceX and Twitter. That h1b hit and I was mad. I don’t think the base is split. We need to wait and see what happens.
I’ve already answered that question here. Yes of course it was. Because Trump knows that the feds are running a psychological operation on his base, and half the people here are stupid, and fell right into their trap. Yes they’re trying to divide our base. The fact that people are still crying about Elon is proof that the operation is working. 😭🧂
In before the Terminal Elon Syndromers:
Oh, great! That act alone should absolve Elon of his transgressions. 😏
My man this is 'I hate all Indians week'.
Try and keep up.
That’s what I’ve been commenting on PDW. It’s terrorism week. Didn’t you get the memo?
It’s snow storm in DC week actually. Keep up. Narrative shift incoming.
Two minutes of hate.
Meh, H1B’s & Muslims are the proxies for those that demand open borders & celebrate low (white) birth rates. I say this as a grateful 1st Gen immigrant American. We shouldn’t remain ignorant of the growing Muslim problem in the west but we should focus on the cause of the problem moreso than the symptom & consequences of the problem.
C’mon white folks, Muslims weren’t the ones that flew 2 planes & collapsed 3 buildings. Lets stayed focused.
How do you define something as being a 'problem'? By its consequences. No one forced Muslims to rape 250,000 British girls over the last 24 years.
We need the public outraged. With that comes change. Live up to that awesome username and recognize the Muslim scourge for what it is. There's no shame in stating that Muslim culture is antithetical to Christianized Western civilization. The biggest proponents of open borders or at least those who were tolerant of it, may have their minds completely changed by these hard to swallow red pills X is blowing up with.
There is an unspoken ailliance with Jews & Muslims; Mohammad’s mother after all was Jewish; making Mohammad Jewish.
The intentional penetration of Muslims into the heart of Christian Europe has been the dream of the International Jews for centuries. In the spring of 711, a Muslim army invaded Iberia led by Tariq ibn Ziyad, defeated the Visigoth King and then marched northward to the Visigoth capital of Toledo. Both Latin and Arabic chroniclers record that the Jews of the city “opened the gates of Toledo” to Tariq, who conquered the city. With more cities to take Tariq left Toledo and entrusted its protection to a garrison of Jewish soldiers, whom had rose up against the Catholic Visigoths and opened the gates.
This is happening on an international level. “multiculturalism“ has been thrusted upon the west in harmony with the “anti-European” & “anti colonialism” propaganda, its all a smokescreen all meant to subvert the west.
The truth is that the Christian West has been under continuous attack by the Judeo-Masonic-Muslim triphecta for centuries & they declared war on Christendom centuries ago, beginning with the French Revolution. This war against Christianity is just never defined in its proper context.
Interesting. Thanks for the info.
It’s worth it. I’ll just simply respawn & start over again.
It is huge.
The UK is gone. I only hope the Brits can regain control and do the MAS DEPORTATIONS that are needed!
How about the videos annd information from inside the Tesla in Las Vegas.
His silence is sus, and incriminating to say the least.
"Incriminating" ? What does that even mean? You suggesting Elon was involved in the bombing?
Yes, of course… Because if anybody believes that Elon Musk can never do anything good ever again, the psychological operation worked on them.
People that are big mad 😡 at Elon still, are not using their critical thinking.
No I'm saying he LOOKS involved if he remains silent. A post just stating more than Look the tires aren't flat.
It's weird. I don't have complete trust in anyone... transparency only.
You may have an allergy to hierarchies and coercive control methods. You may be anti-authoritarian. Most people are not, sadly.
is there a link to Robinson's movie?
Did you find it?
thank you. I am sure others will also appreciate this link.
Hmmmm? Tommy Robinson’s documentary came out a round end of July this year. Musk must have needed an action to save his flailing popularity about the h1b debacle. His X co-owners must have acquiesced. Happy for Mr. Robinson’s film getting the attention it deserves.
Keep in mind that Trump’s team sent out a memo to everybody who is going to be part of the administration to not post about anything regarding America or the incoming president Donald Trump. As soon as that memo was sent out, Elon focused on something different. Something important. As much as people don’t like him, he he still has millions of followers, and this information that he’s highlighting right now is important. I’m grateful for that.
Perhaps the memo was sent out because of the flap over h1b visas.
Yes, because the deep state was using it as a psychological operation to split the base. I have to give them a five because they did a fantastic job. People are still crying about Elon here. 😭🧂
I was very skeptical of him at first, then warmed up to him because of SpaceX and Twitter. That h1b hit and I was mad. I don’t think the base is split. We need to wait and see what happens.
I’ve already answered that question here. Yes of course it was. Because Trump knows that the feds are running a psychological operation on his base, and half the people here are stupid, and fell right into their trap. Yes they’re trying to divide our base. The fact that people are still crying about Elon is proof that the operation is working. 😭🧂
Yup, sorry. Long day.
Tommy Robinson is an actor and a shill. He and Imam Wasim Kempson are the exact same person.