It's obvious you never caught whatever the hell this shit was. If you had, you wouldn't be saying it was just the flu. I don't know if it was actually a virus, or a chemical or biological weapon. But, what I know with 100% certainty was that it was not the common everyday flu. Was it as bad as they made it out to be? Nope. That's why they had to include all sorts of other deaths to pump the numbers up.
I'm sure many people who caught the regular flu thought it was Covid, but that doesn't mean that no one caught whatever the hell this Covid/spike protein crap was.
We caught this shit from my brother around October or early November of 2019 when he came to visit. Yeah he still to this day doesn't have sense enough to not visit family when he's sick. This was before the public even knew about this shit. I specifically remember saying to my family several times over the next month or two that "I don't what that was we caught, but it sure as hell wasn't the flu." He lives in a city that has a large military base so the rumor of it being spread at the 2019 world military games in Wuhan on October 2019 could be the reason we caught this shit so early.
The part I hate the most about getting the flu, is the last stage, where you can't sleep from the thick mucus that tickles your throat and makes you cough uncontrollably every time you lay down.
This shit skipped all the regular stages of the flu (scratchy throat upon waking up indicating you're about to get sick, runny nose, body aches, shivers, fever) and went straight to the thick mucus stage. I was coughing so much that I was getting a sharp pain in the left side of my forehead. I had to press on my forehead before I coughed to prevent the sharp pain. It took me like three weeks to get over this. Admittedly, I wasn't taking many vitamins during this stage in my life so that didn't help but the regular Dayquil/Nyquil regimen I had taken for years to get over the flu did nothing.
The 2nd (late 2021) and 3rd (early 2022) time, along with the thick mucus I also got the phantom scent bullshit. It was as if someone had shoved dryer sheets soaked in fabric softener up my nose. For nearly a week this is what I smelled every time I inhaled. I about went mad! I guess I should consider myself lucky it was only fabric softener I smelled as others reported smelling horse shit and vomit. The ivermectin I took sped up the recovery process on the 2nd time but did nothing for the 3rd time. And this was with a full regimen of Zinc, NAC, Quercetin, Vit D3 and C, multivitamin, and CoQ10 since early 2020.
I live in a blue area where the vaccination rate was over 65% overall and over 90% in those over 65 yoa so spike protein shedding could have played a large role in the 2nd and 3rd times I got sick and had that weird phantom scent bullshit. I haven't caught so much as a cold in the almost 3 years since.
It's obvious billions of others didn't catch it, either.
Listen, I had family members die of things other than COVID, and those assholes called them COVID deaths. They weren't the only ones. The fact is they lied about ALL of it.
Where the fuck are the extra deaths, if there was such a horrible virus going around? They didn't happen. And yes, I have had flus that made me want to die. If I had one during CONVID, I might have thought, "Oh man, this CONVID is bad!"
Also, why did they have to lie about it all in order to inflate the numbers? WHY? If this shit was real, they wouldn't have had to fake ANY of it. They did, and people fell for it. ALL of it.
They may have poisoned the water in places to make people sick, but it wasn't "COVID". Even still, where the living hell is the excess mortality?
They lied about it because it didn't produce the deaths that they wanted. Still doesn't change the fact that this was not just the flu.
Yeah I agree that it could've been poison. Who the hell knows.
Was it deadly? Not really. What was more deadly was the remdesivir protocol being used in the hospitals to shut down your kidneys and get fluid in your lungs so they could kill you and get the Covid bucks. Still this nasty shit did weird things to some people and got them in the emergency rooms where these assholes could finish them off. I know two people who were killed this way. Alone in the fucking hospital! I know it wasn't a covid death but the thing that got them into the hospital in the first place wasn't the fucking flu.
It's obvious you never caught whatever the hell this shit was. If you had, you wouldn't be saying it was just the flu. I don't know if it was actually a virus, or a chemical or biological weapon. But, what I know with 100% certainty was that it was not the common everyday flu. Was it as bad as they made it out to be? Nope. That's why they had to include all sorts of other deaths to pump the numbers up.
I'm sure many people who caught the regular flu thought it was Covid, but that doesn't mean that no one caught whatever the hell this Covid/spike protein crap was.
We caught this shit from my brother around October or early November of 2019 when he came to visit. Yeah he still to this day doesn't have sense enough to not visit family when he's sick. This was before the public even knew about this shit. I specifically remember saying to my family several times over the next month or two that "I don't what that was we caught, but it sure as hell wasn't the flu." He lives in a city that has a large military base so the rumor of it being spread at the 2019 world military games in Wuhan on October 2019 could be the reason we caught this shit so early.
The part I hate the most about getting the flu, is the last stage, where you can't sleep from the thick mucus that tickles your throat and makes you cough uncontrollably every time you lay down.
This shit skipped all the regular stages of the flu (scratchy throat upon waking up indicating you're about to get sick, runny nose, body aches, shivers, fever) and went straight to the thick mucus stage. I was coughing so much that I was getting a sharp pain in the left side of my forehead. I had to press on my forehead before I coughed to prevent the sharp pain. It took me like three weeks to get over this. Admittedly, I wasn't taking many vitamins during this stage in my life so that didn't help but the regular Dayquil/Nyquil regimen I had taken for years to get over the flu did nothing.
The 2nd (late 2021) and 3rd (early 2022) time, along with the thick mucus I also got the phantom scent bullshit. It was as if someone had shoved dryer sheets soaked in fabric softener up my nose. For nearly a week this is what I smelled every time I inhaled. I about went mad! I guess I should consider myself lucky it was only fabric softener I smelled as others reported smelling horse shit and vomit. The ivermectin I took sped up the recovery process on the 2nd time but did nothing for the 3rd time. And this was with a full regimen of Zinc, NAC, Quercetin, Vit D3 and C, multivitamin, and CoQ10 since early 2020.
I live in a blue area where the vaccination rate was over 65% overall and over 90% in those over 65 yoa so spike protein shedding could have played a large role in the 2nd and 3rd times I got sick and had that weird phantom scent bullshit. I haven't caught so much as a cold in the almost 3 years since.
It's obvious billions of others didn't catch it, either.
Listen, I had family members die of things other than COVID, and those assholes called them COVID deaths. They weren't the only ones. The fact is they lied about ALL of it.
Where the fuck are the extra deaths, if there was such a horrible virus going around? They didn't happen. And yes, I have had flus that made me want to die. If I had one during CONVID, I might have thought, "Oh man, this CONVID is bad!"
Also, why did they have to lie about it all in order to inflate the numbers? WHY? If this shit was real, they wouldn't have had to fake ANY of it. They did, and people fell for it. ALL of it.
They may have poisoned the water in places to make people sick, but it wasn't "COVID". Even still, where the living hell is the excess mortality?
They lied about it because it didn't produce the deaths that they wanted. Still doesn't change the fact that this was not just the flu. Yeah I agree that it could've been poison. Who the hell knows. Was it deadly? Not really. What was more deadly was the remdesivir protocol being used in the hospitals to shut down your kidneys and get fluid in your lungs so they could kill you and get the Covid bucks. Still this nasty shit did weird things to some people and got them in the emergency rooms where these assholes could finish them off. I know two people who were killed this way. Alone in the fucking hospital! I know it wasn't a covid death but the thing that got them into the hospital in the first place wasn't the fucking flu.