There, here in the states, and other countries so many things are ass-backward and I just don’t understand it. Like feeling bad for criminals instead of their victims. I fundamentally don’t understand how things are like this.
For some, the Hollywood programming has been very effective.
99% of Allied POW’s returned alive from the European theatre, millions of German “disarmed enemy forces” died due to starvation, millions of German civilians died of starvation during 1945-1950.
That's an insult to the ss.
Yeah, guy on the left was trying to fight against globalists/jews and protect their homeland.
Guy on the right encourages immigrants to rape their children while telling America they're dumb for having guns.
They are not the same.
Send their fucking asses to GITMO if convicted by a military tribunal hang them
There, here in the states, and other countries so many things are ass-backward and I just don’t understand it. Like feeling bad for criminals instead of their victims. I fundamentally don’t understand how things are like this.
"I was just wanting to keep my job".
"We defeated the wrong enemy." General George S. Patton
For some, the Hollywood programming has been very effective.
99% of Allied POW’s returned alive from the European theatre, millions of German “disarmed enemy forces” died due to starvation, millions of German civilians died of starvation during 1945-1950.