There’ve been trails here in Colorado west of denver recently. We live in the foothills. They spray across here and the prevailing west winds move them over denver and the plains.
It's not even supposed to be happening in my state, but every clear day, there they are. This is why the 2A allows us anti-aircraft weapons. (I wouldn't really shoot it down, I just want it to stop.)
Years and years ago I came across a study which discussed the realtime imaging of terrain from above. They talked about how the system worked well near coastal regions due to the amount of salt in the air, but didn't work well inland due to the lack of a conductive medium in the atmosphere ; the waves got scattered.
They figured out that by injecting a conductive artificial aerosol composed of barium salts (IIRC) over inland areas, they could mimic the atmospheric conditions of coastal areas and get the imaging system to perform properly inland.
I have searched for hours and hours for this fucking paper, cannot find it again. The best I could do after a few hours of looking yesterday was this, but it isn't anywhere near as much info as the other paper had.
We have analyzed the effects of Iaser beam propagation on imaging in the cases of linear and nonlinear radiative
Performance of tracking systems has explicitly been associated with the properties of target signatures, and
implicitly with the properties of the intervening medium, For HEL beams, the scattering and absorption cross
sections of the medium vary with the value of the radiation flux; the beam propagation becomes nonlinear. the very nature of nonlinear propagation the widest MTF corresponds to the largest propagation distance, if the high energy beam is used for imaging. The low-energy probe beam, on the other hand, would propagate through a teneous aerosol cloud, thus experiencing enhanced broadening as the path length increases.
I live in a town with 5 military bases and the skies are virtually saturated with artificial aerosol trails every day. IMO they're doing it to enhance a monitoring system which can track targets on the ground in real-time. Will keep looking for the other paper, as I consider it to be the one thing that can explain all of this.
I've lived in this city for all of my life and this shit in the sky was non-existent before 1997.
This detail makes perfect sense. Also, my personal observation over the years, their activity is the most active 2-3 days before a low pressure moves in or when they are calling for rain. They are attenuating or intensifying the weather. Or droughting us.
there was an article I saw in popular mechanics (or popular science) around the first gulf war -1991-92, talking about ground based interferometry, portable imaging over the horizon using a grid of aerosol sprayed by aircraft. Just one of those single page/ half page infographic things showcasing new technology.
In March 2002, two Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists at Wright Patterson Air Force Base told award-winning reporter Bob Fitrakis that they were involved in two aerial spray programs. One spreads aluminum oxide in the upper atmosphere to reflect incoming sunlight and slow global warming. The other lays down barium stearate aerosols for “over the horizon” military communications, 3-D mapping and radar. Soapy rainwater on highways is a signature of barium salts, one scientist said.
adding to the confusion, is the multiple purposes, thus multiple products being sprayed - from heat reflection and radar imaging, to seemingly more recent plasma experiments, and chemical endothermic application. Ten years ago I was seeing a chemtrail that was a slightly darker blue color than the normal sky, but haven't seen it around here lately (there's patents for blue chemtrails). Have seen what appears to be carbon black lines. Also ~15 years ago I would see a plane followed closely by another one, and then a haze would appear - 2 part polymer? Knowing what a typical FAA approved flight path would be, helps decipher what you're looking at - commercial flights aren't allowed to fly as closely as these persistent lines, too close for FAA standards. I think most of what they've been doing is weather modification - making an area drier and cooler, also using reflective sprays to create stepped curved parabolic/ fresnel type lenses to heat a distant region, whether lifting a jet stream or moving a pressure boundary, it would be nice to know what's going on day to day. The greenhouse gas everyone is absolutely silent about is water vapor - remove enough water vapor and things get cold quickly, add enough water vapor and things get volatile. *Making the west coast uninhabitable to rational people may have a strategic longterm purpose.
I feel NO responsibility for "climate change" when our gov is poisoning our air, land, and water. Also, how does the pilot who knowingly pushes the button to spray, sleep at night? Must b some type of alien-robot-reptile-zombie-pilot.
Someone on this site put pictures of the plane with the delivery systems on the back at one point. Put a sheet of white paper out when they are doing in your area.
Happy little clouds... Happy little elongated clouds... Happy little... cross-hatched... unnnatural... wtf... who draws clouds like this? Wtf...urrrk....
Six spokes around the sun......definitely not "mother nature." The top one shows the aftermath of the spraying in the bottom one later in the day. I am old enough to remember deep blue skies with fluffy clouds. Just saying.....
Shut them down permanently this time around.
And charge all the pilots with attempted murder.
From an article I read about "Operation Indigo Skyfold", a pilot whistleblower said most of these are now automated.
In our defense, a resounding majority of the pilots accused are protected by the DEI shield, for whatever that is worth...
There’ve been trails here in Colorado west of denver recently. We live in the foothills. They spray across here and the prevailing west winds move them over denver and the plains.
They're still all over the skies in AZ too. The new year didn't change anything
We're still getting sprayed here in New England.
Not seen any chemtrails in 2025??
Dateline: Bezerkeley Commifornia. Stone's throw across SF Bay from Nancee Peloozy's home.
Totally outtacontrol.
It's not even supposed to be happening in my state, but every clear day, there they are. This is why the 2A allows us anti-aircraft weapons. (I wouldn't really shoot it down, I just want it to stop.)
Years and years ago I came across a study which discussed the realtime imaging of terrain from above. They talked about how the system worked well near coastal regions due to the amount of salt in the air, but didn't work well inland due to the lack of a conductive medium in the atmosphere ; the waves got scattered.
They figured out that by injecting a conductive artificial aerosol composed of barium salts (IIRC) over inland areas, they could mimic the atmospheric conditions of coastal areas and get the imaging system to perform properly inland.
I have searched for hours and hours for this fucking paper, cannot find it again. The best I could do after a few hours of looking yesterday was this, but it isn't anywhere near as much info as the other paper had.
I live in a town with 5 military bases and the skies are virtually saturated with artificial aerosol trails every day. IMO they're doing it to enhance a monitoring system which can track targets on the ground in real-time. Will keep looking for the other paper, as I consider it to be the one thing that can explain all of this.
I've lived in this city for all of my life and this shit in the sky was non-existent before 1997.
This detail makes perfect sense. Also, my personal observation over the years, their activity is the most active 2-3 days before a low pressure moves in or when they are calling for rain. They are attenuating or intensifying the weather. Or droughting us.
Yep. Matches my personal observation.
there was an article I saw in popular mechanics (or popular science) around the first gulf war -1991-92, talking about ground based interferometry, portable imaging over the horizon using a grid of aerosol sprayed by aircraft. Just one of those single page/ half page infographic things showcasing new technology.
Now we're cooking
adding to the confusion, is the multiple purposes, thus multiple products being sprayed - from heat reflection and radar imaging, to seemingly more recent plasma experiments, and chemical endothermic application. Ten years ago I was seeing a chemtrail that was a slightly darker blue color than the normal sky, but haven't seen it around here lately (there's patents for blue chemtrails). Have seen what appears to be carbon black lines. Also ~15 years ago I would see a plane followed closely by another one, and then a haze would appear - 2 part polymer? Knowing what a typical FAA approved flight path would be, helps decipher what you're looking at - commercial flights aren't allowed to fly as closely as these persistent lines, too close for FAA standards. I think most of what they've been doing is weather modification - making an area drier and cooler, also using reflective sprays to create stepped curved parabolic/ fresnel type lenses to heat a distant region, whether lifting a jet stream or moving a pressure boundary, it would be nice to know what's going on day to day. The greenhouse gas everyone is absolutely silent about is water vapor - remove enough water vapor and things get cold quickly, add enough water vapor and things get volatile. *Making the west coast uninhabitable to rational people may have a strategic longterm purpose.
I feel NO responsibility for "climate change" when our gov is poisoning our air, land, and water. Also, how does the pilot who knowingly pushes the button to spray, sleep at night? Must b some type of alien-robot-reptile-zombie-pilot.
They're probably told that they're protecting national security and millions of Americans
My brother in law still argues that there is no such thing as chemtrails. He says they are jet streams.
Here's a little ammo for you
Thanks fren.
Cats five has said the same thing in the past. I wonder if he has changed his mind?
Someone on this site put pictures of the plane with the delivery systems on the back at one point. Put a sheet of white paper out when they are doing in your area.
Happy little clouds... Happy little elongated clouds... Happy little... cross-hatched... unnnatural... wtf... who draws clouds like this? Wtf...urrrk....
ALL DAY EVERY DAY Greater Phoenix, Arizona area - like clockwork
Six spokes around the sun......definitely not "mother nature." The top one shows the aftermath of the spraying in the bottom one later in the day. I am old enough to remember deep blue skies with fluffy clouds. Just saying.....
I haven’t seen a real fluffy cloud in Arizona in months. I’m headed to Hawaii and I’m looking forward to seeing real clouds.