They are inconsistent with civilized society, which above all protects innocents and the weaker such as women and children.
Chop off their dicks as well as their testicles. If there are any real men left to protect their woman and children from RAPE!
Note also that RAPE is a tactic of conquest! For total humiliation. The women of Berlin were all raped, multiple times, by the conquering Russians.
Message: We are the conquers! WE show it by raping your women AT WILL, AND YOU [CAN] DO NOTHING ABOUT IT!!
OF COURSE the men of the west CAN do something about it!! But they won't. WHY?!? Are OUR men not up to taking on rape gangs to protect their own women and daughters??
Listen up MEN - It's up to US. Our job is to protect the women & children.
I'll say it again:
If you rape - you get your junk cut off.
If you bear false witness and falsely accuse someone of rape - you get your junk cut off
Any questions?
We've ALL had enough of being bullied and we're not just going to bloody your nose...We're going to cut your junk off and stuff it in your mouth until you tell your friends to shape up or get the same. Got it?
This is the tip of the iceberg, its not just the pakistanis but the british elites as well who are doing this, on a continental scale.
Along with European royalty, senior politicians, military, sports stars and entertainers. Anyone these days who has a knighthood is one of these ghouls.
I am so glad that all of this has stared to come out but to those who don't know the depths of depravity involved here its going to come as a terrible shock when the truth is revealed.
Another key issue, aside from the rape gangs, it was discussed societies with more refugees the lower the social trust. It weakens social cohesion across the board.
Remember what the Muslim said on July 21, 2016 during a White House reception: President Obama to Muslim Americans " Your're a VALUED part of the American Family" TEAM AMERICA!!!
They are inconsistent with civilized society, which above all protects innocents and the weaker such as women and children.
Chop off their dicks as well as their testicles. If there are any real men left to protect their woman and children from RAPE!
Note also that RAPE is a tactic of conquest! For total humiliation. The women of Berlin were all raped, multiple times, by the conquering Russians.
Message: We are the conquers! WE show it by raping your women AT WILL, AND YOU [CAN] DO NOTHING ABOUT IT!!
OF COURSE the men of the west CAN do something about it!! But they won't. WHY?!? Are OUR men not up to taking on rape gangs to protect their own women and daughters??
SHAME on them, then.
Be a lot easier if they hadn't given up their guns and pocket knives even. FFS
even butter knives I think I read a while back . . .
Yup. Pretty much any means of self-defense has been removed and criminalized.
Listen up MEN - It's up to US. Our job is to protect the women & children.
I'll say it again:
If you rape - you get your junk cut off.
If you bear false witness and falsely accuse someone of rape - you get your junk cut off
Any questions?
We've ALL had enough of being bullied and we're not just going to bloody your nose...We're going to cut your junk off and stuff it in your mouth until you tell your friends to shape up or get the same. Got it?
This is the tip of the iceberg, its not just the pakistanis but the british elites as well who are doing this, on a continental scale.
Along with European royalty, senior politicians, military, sports stars and entertainers. Anyone these days who has a knighthood is one of these ghouls.
I am so glad that all of this has stared to come out but to those who don't know the depths of depravity involved here its going to come as a terrible shock when the truth is revealed.
Another key issue, aside from the rape gangs, it was discussed societies with more refugees the lower the social trust. It weakens social cohesion across the board.
"Divide and conquer"
I couldn't watch it.
Matt Goodwin?
Remember what the Muslim said on July 21, 2016 during a White House reception: President Obama to Muslim Americans " Your're a VALUED part of the American Family" TEAM AMERICA!!!
All lies, smoke and mirrors
Although I need to take care of my mental health and therefore didn't watch it, thanks for posting this.