A little down the road, our Great 47 needs to make a rule: if you have a business, you must have a phone number and responsible human beings to answer the phone. Don't have a phone number? You have 2 days to change that or face ENORMOUS FINES to be distributed to clients. Anyone with me on this? These companies just steamroll over people and hide behind "Contact Us" website and an un-monitered phone number.
Comments (16)
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Keep the gov out. It's none of their business.
You have to be able to “contact”! A website with an “Email us if you have questions or concerns us as useful as an answering machine which no one checks!
PLENTY of cottage businesses don't have a phone number listed on their website for any number of legitimate reasons.
Sorry... but personal liberty trumps convenience every time. Bar none.
Govt can F off WAY the F over there.
Less regulations, not more.
Consumers can check if they have a number before engaging in commerce with them. Not our problem.
Don't make me turn off community styling... I'll do it!
This opaque and arbitrary model of "customer service," where companies are extremely difficult to contact, is social engineering to condition us to live under neo-communisn/neo-fascism.
That's exactly what it is, and I don't know if the others on here are shills or just stupid. Let me give an example. Huge management companies purchase apartment complexes all over the city. They keep them for 6 months then hand off to the next management company. The old company owes lots of people money, but says, "You have to contact the old company for that." Neither one of them has any phone number you can reach someone on. They have a number, that connects to no one. Tells people to fill out the form on their website. Nobody answers the forms. It's pure bullshit. I've run start ups all my life. I always personally answer the damn phone. To say that a start up can't answer the phone is insane. What phone call is more important than from a customer? Horeshit that any business owner can't answer the phone. Fact: lazy cretins and criminals are who don't answer the phone. Period. I'm not talking about start ups, however. If they are tiny and their customer service is shit, they will soon go out of business. I'm talking about big corporations. I tried to go to one today. They're on the 13th floor. Elevator only goes to the 12th floor. Security guard at bottom says you can only go there by invitation. And there's no way to contact them. I just want to get paid. Bullshit this is okay. MAGAKitty called it for what it is, "This opaque and arbitrary model of "customer service," where companies are extremely difficult to contact, is social engineering to condition us to live under neo-communisn/neo-fascism." Anyone who disagrees with that is a SHILL and fuck you.
Our government makes laws to benefit theives. We have to make changes. No financial gifts or favors from lobbyists. Those that do receive 3 years in prison. Gitmo type.. Government officials should be held to a higher standard of justice.
I never deal with a preprogrammed customer service answering auto bot. I either hit zero to get the operator or yell “customer representative now”. 90% of time, I’m on hold to get the next customer service representative within a minute. If not, I don’t do business with the company. It’s worth it, even if I’m dealing with someone from India.
buying a product for the first time? call their support. if pajeet answers, get a different brand.
They've now taken it beyond "preprogrammed customer service answering auto bot" is what I'm telling you. Now they just have a recorded message that tells you to send an email... which no one answers. In our case, for five months! This is weaponized bureaucracy and the intention is to murder small businesses and condition people to be slaves. No different that running a fake scam everywhere you go to "conserve water" so ever faucet just dribbles when you try to wash your hands... on get this, "the water planet." Water is the biggest portion of the surface of the earth. And we have faucets that dribble. It's bullshit designed to condition everyone into accepting scarcities which were intended to kill you eventually. They condition you with artificial scarcities so they can eventually turn your country into a third-world shit hole. Know what that means? I know one country where the electricity turns on for about 1 hour a day. The other 23 hours... they don't know what happened, they just couldn't get it to run. Bullshit. They just turn it off so the people can never climb out of poverty. You think these multi billion corporations can't afford someone to answer the phone? Of course they can. But they don't want to because they are in on the game to condition you to accepting bullshit. They feed us bullshit every chance they get. Wash your hands? No water. Want meat? You have to eat zee bugs. It's not about big government, for the shills and morons, it's about obliterating the CABAL and reestablishing LAW AND ORDER.
I agree. Not being able to speak to a human employee of the company is terribly frustrating. I guess that is the result they want.
Do local businesses first. You can always go to their office. Internet is not gonna be good for commerce.
See above. NO phone lines into the business at all. Just a pre-recorded message to send us an email that no one answers. And they are in a secure location you can't even reach by elevator — no button to reach that floor.
Because a startup won't be able to afford or have the time to do that.
Start ups don’t use that kind of service. This is for businesses that grow rapidly.
Start ups typically have to put something like
"Have issues... submit a support ticket and we will get back to you within 48 hours"