Black nationalists in SA are attacking White owned farmers ("Boers" being Dutch descendant South africans) and murdering them. Basically "kill the descendants of the colonies because colonialists."
The terrible thing is this isn't something that has just happened overnight. It's been brewing in SA for years. Personally I blame the anc and it's rehtoric...
There are many English speaking farmers too, with others descended from other European stock. The few successful Black commercial farmers face similar, if not as severe, crime risks.
There are vast areas of land owned by "Traditional Leaders" and "Traditional Royalty" that are not at risk of government expropriation without compensation or land invasions by criminals. Look at old maps of the "Apartheid" time and all the areas marked as "Bantustans" are the bits where Bantu tribes lived when the White pioneers = "Voortrekkers" , mainly Dutch, moved into depopulated parts between the tribal lands where the more powerful chiefs had exterminated the weak. There are records of Voortrekker wagons travelling for many hours or days over skeletons of the dead. Many tribes welcomed the Whites as powerful buffers against their dangerous neighbours, and made alliances with the newcomers. During the Anglo-Boer Wars the tribes usually fought with the Boers, and almost as many Blacks were killed in the English concentration camps as Boer women and children.
The development of the South African politics from the "Conservative" White Nationals to the more "Liberal" Nats and then the take-over by the African National Congress was possibly the first of the "Color Revolutions" run by the USA CIA. Read the book "The Peoples' War" by Anthea Jeffery for insight into the real revolution in the country. While you are reading look into the Mandela method of using car tyres, petrol and matches to liberating the oppressed.
Thanks! I had no idea this was going on in South Africa. Where are our statesmen and ambassadors trying to stop this genocide? Oh, I forgot; the victims are white. This is more of a humanitarian crisis than sending hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine.🤬
Black nationalists in SA are attacking White owned farmers ("Boers" being Dutch descendant South africans) and murdering them. Basically "kill the descendants of the colonies because colonialists."
The terrible thing is this isn't something that has just happened overnight. It's been brewing in SA for years. Personally I blame the anc and it's rehtoric...
There are many English speaking farmers too, with others descended from other European stock. The few successful Black commercial farmers face similar, if not as severe, crime risks. There are vast areas of land owned by "Traditional Leaders" and "Traditional Royalty" that are not at risk of government expropriation without compensation or land invasions by criminals. Look at old maps of the "Apartheid" time and all the areas marked as "Bantustans" are the bits where Bantu tribes lived when the White pioneers = "Voortrekkers" , mainly Dutch, moved into depopulated parts between the tribal lands where the more powerful chiefs had exterminated the weak. There are records of Voortrekker wagons travelling for many hours or days over skeletons of the dead. Many tribes welcomed the Whites as powerful buffers against their dangerous neighbours, and made alliances with the newcomers. During the Anglo-Boer Wars the tribes usually fought with the Boers, and almost as many Blacks were killed in the English concentration camps as Boer women and children. The development of the South African politics from the "Conservative" White Nationals to the more "Liberal" Nats and then the take-over by the African National Congress was possibly the first of the "Color Revolutions" run by the USA CIA. Read the book "The Peoples' War" by Anthea Jeffery for insight into the real revolution in the country. While you are reading look into the Mandela method of using car tyres, petrol and matches to liberating the oppressed.
Thanks! I had no idea this was going on in South Africa. Where are our statesmen and ambassadors trying to stop this genocide? Oh, I forgot; the victims are white. This is more of a humanitarian crisis than sending hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine.🤬