Biden pardoning all these people is a good thing. How many of you have known in your hearts that there was a deep state within our government, even on the Republican side? This action by Biden proves that even within our military the deep state corrupted officials. Milley was a turncoat and called China while he was working for Trump. We need not get ourselves in an uproar, just be thankful that Uncle Joe took the time to reveal to us that the Deep State truly exists. Now, if a Governor of a state will take the time to instigate a court case against some of the traitors within our government. State crimes cannot be pardoned by a sitting President, so Milley and Fauci can be prosecuted by a state and then be salted away for a long time.
Let's see if those pardons stand. I can imagine the Supreme Court nullifying any pardon that isn't in response to anyone who hasn't been charged with a specific crime. We'll see how these "pardons" end up.
Remember that Ford gave a pardon to Nixon. That’s probably what they’re going off of for this . . . “Travesty” is too shallow a word for who JB’s bosses have decided to pardon—today’s plus all the others.
Can hope for a solution to this that only seems impossible now.
One (and I don't know if this is the case) is if the SC hasn't yet ruled on the Nixon pardon. They could rule that there must be a conviction or at least an indictment, and could also rule that blanket pardons for unspecified crimes during a time period are unconstitutional. But someone has to bring that case
(As an aside, I found an article which cited the SC: "a 1915 Supreme Court decision. In Burdick v. United States, the Court ruled that a pardon carried an "imputation of guilt" and accepting a pardon was "an admission of guilt.”")
Two. Biden's own DOJ said he's basically incompetent before these pardons were signed. I don't think there's ever been rulings on this. If the Dems were actually responsible, they would have 25th'ed Biden but because they're too drunk on power, we now have a grey area for at least the last few months of Biden. Could the SC rule Biden wasn't capable of being President and thus Harris should have been the ones to sign the pardons?
Three. Biden was never legally POTUS. Then everything was null and void.
Biden has already admitted to not realizing he signed an EO (in a convo to the Speaker).
One possibility is that he did sign and just doesn't recall. That would then fall under #2 above. But what if it wasn't Joe who signed the EO? Would be another unprecedented case, but if Joe asserts sometime later that he didn't actually sign the pardons, then that would leave us with some interesting Constitutional issues.
Only works in the US. Biden isn’t a global leader. Any country that we have extradition with can file the case and we extradite him.
FJB that lousy mother F**ker
Hang every last one of them or allow for open season on these treasonous mother fuckers!
That's interesting, what is it that he thinks Fauci is guilty of?
Pardons should only be for people convicted. Makes zero sense. Like forgiving a loan to someone who never borrowed anything.
This is the end of the movie I'm not liking it.
Hopefully the sequel will be named Hang 'Em High..
And based after a true story.....
Biden pardoning all these people is a good thing. How many of you have known in your hearts that there was a deep state within our government, even on the Republican side? This action by Biden proves that even within our military the deep state corrupted officials. Milley was a turncoat and called China while he was working for Trump. We need not get ourselves in an uproar, just be thankful that Uncle Joe took the time to reveal to us that the Deep State truly exists. Now, if a Governor of a state will take the time to instigate a court case against some of the traitors within our government. State crimes cannot be pardoned by a sitting President, so Milley and Fauci can be prosecuted by a state and then be salted away for a long time.
Won't save him or any others Biden pardoned from state prosecution.
Let's see if those pardons stand. I can imagine the Supreme Court nullifying any pardon that isn't in response to anyone who hasn't been charged with a specific crime. We'll see how these "pardons" end up.
Remember that Ford gave a pardon to Nixon. That’s probably what they’re going off of for this . . . “Travesty” is too shallow a word for who JB’s bosses have decided to pardon—today’s plus all the others.
Can hope for a solution to this that only seems impossible now.
I can think of three solutions.
One (and I don't know if this is the case) is if the SC hasn't yet ruled on the Nixon pardon. They could rule that there must be a conviction or at least an indictment, and could also rule that blanket pardons for unspecified crimes during a time period are unconstitutional. But someone has to bring that case
(As an aside, I found an article which cited the SC: "a 1915 Supreme Court decision. In Burdick v. United States, the Court ruled that a pardon carried an "imputation of guilt" and accepting a pardon was "an admission of guilt.”")
Two. Biden's own DOJ said he's basically incompetent before these pardons were signed. I don't think there's ever been rulings on this. If the Dems were actually responsible, they would have 25th'ed Biden but because they're too drunk on power, we now have a grey area for at least the last few months of Biden. Could the SC rule Biden wasn't capable of being President and thus Harris should have been the ones to sign the pardons?
Three. Biden was never legally POTUS. Then everything was null and void.
And a 4th...
Biden has already admitted to not realizing he signed an EO (in a convo to the Speaker).
One possibility is that he did sign and just doesn't recall. That would then fall under #2 above. But what if it wasn't Joe who signed the EO? Would be another unprecedented case, but if Joe asserts sometime later that he didn't actually sign the pardons, then that would leave us with some interesting Constitutional issues.
Thanks, Fren, for the great, detailed response!