I just saw a post on X that one prisoner was sitting and waiting to be released while on the phone w a friend. The friend posted it. The guards beat him up, cuffed him and threw him back in his cell. Friend heard it all as the call was still connected. Yes they are defying an EO!!
Apparently there's some blockage from releasing J6 prisoners. Even Elon is stepping in to help out. If you have loved one in prison due to J6, please contact Elon.
Well, from what I have been told, the DC Police are there in force where J6ers are being held. The police pushed back everyone all the way across the street on to the sidewalk. There are media with cameras, well wishers and people who want to pick up their loved ones in the crowd. May be a misunderstanding since it is a holiday, but the Demorats never let an opportunity go to waste if they can cause trouble.
...play stupid games...
..win stupid prizes...
'Life is tough, but it gets a whole lot tougher when your stupid.' (John Wayne)
So sick of this belligerent entitlement.
I just saw a post on X that one prisoner was sitting and waiting to be released while on the phone w a friend. The friend posted it. The guards beat him up, cuffed him and threw him back in his cell. Friend heard it all as the call was still connected. Yes they are defying an EO!!
Apparently there's some blockage from releasing J6 prisoners. Even Elon is stepping in to help out. If you have loved one in prison due to J6, please contact Elon.
Sauce please...
What do the police have to do with it. Police dont work at jails guards do.
Well, from what I have been told, the DC Police are there in force where J6ers are being held. The police pushed back everyone all the way across the street on to the sidewalk. There are media with cameras, well wishers and people who want to pick up their loved ones in the crowd. May be a misunderstanding since it is a holiday, but the Demorats never let an opportunity go to waste if they can cause trouble.
Looks like Pelosi is making a stink on X.
Ray Epp, Ray Epp, Ray Epp, Ray Epp, Ray Epp, Ray Epp,
Dunno, I've head some rumors of this and rumors that US Marshalls are being called in to confront them.
Confront who?
If they don’t, they will soon become prisoners themselves.
A friend text me and ask if I had seen the video, I don't subscribe to X. He explained the best he could.